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Top Scientists’ Quotes on God and Creation

Many scientists today argue that a  belief in God as the Creator is detrimental to the advancement of our knowledge.  Today’s most-quoted scientists, especially in the field of Biology, directly attack religion in large public forums.  Richard Dawkins, a prominent evolutionary biologist, had this to say in his book, The Blind Watchmaker:

It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).

And it’s not limited to biology.  World-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is on record as saying:

I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark

But, has it always been this way? Is it necessarily true that the Bible’s history of our origins is at odds with the practice of scientific inquiry?  To the contrary, many (if not most) of the scientists who either founded their field of study or at least are credited with its most important advancements routinely saw their work as seeking to better understand God through his Creation.  The quotes below are a sample of what these men who were profoundly influential in a wide array of fields said years ago.

 There are two books laid before us to study, to prevent our falling into error: first, the volume of the Scriptures, which reveal the will of God; then the volume of the Creatures, which express His power.

-Francis Bacon, Scientific Method

Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance.

 -Isaac Newton, Physics, Mathematics

 Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors.

-Isaac Newton

O God, I am thinking Thy thoughts after Thee.

-Johannes Kepler, Astronomy

 The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.

-Louis Pasteur, Medicine

Finite man cannot begin to comprehend an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and infinite God … I find it best to accept God through faith, as an intelligent will, perfect in goodness and wisdom, revealing Himself through His creation.

-Werner Von Braun, Rocket Science

The conduct of God, who disposes all things kindly, is to put religion into the mind by reason, and into the heart by grace. But to will to put it into the mind and heart by force and threats is not to put religion there, but terror.

-Blaise Pascal, Hydraulics

When with bold telescopes I survey the old and newly discovered stars and planets when with excellent microscopes I discern the unimitable subtility of nature’s curious workmanship; and when, in a word, by the help of anatomical knives, and the light of chemical furnaces, I study the book of nature I find myself oftentimes reduced to exclaim with the Psalmist, How manifold are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all!

-Robert Boyle, Chemistry

The flowers’ leaves… serve as bridal beds which the Creator has so gloriously arranged, adorned with such noble bed curtains, and perfumed with so many soft scents that the bridegroom with his bride might there celebrate their nuptials with so much the greater solemnity.

-Carl Linnaeus, Taxonomy

It is His work,” he reminded them; “and He alone carried me thus far through all my trials and enabled me to triumph over the obstacles, physical and moral, which opposed me.  ‘Not unto us, not unto us, by to Thy name, O Lord, be all the praise.’

-Samuel Morse, Inventor

Analysis Application MetaV The Bible Visualizations

A Visual Harmony of the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels
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The Gospels tell the story of Jesus Christ, each one emphasizing different aspects of his time and teachings. A typical harmony of the Gospels lays out all the events and references the passages that describe them in each book. This chart takes a different approach by comparing the broader topics illuminated by those verses.

The sides of each cross are scaled according to how often a topic is dealt with in the corresponding book (as a percentage of the total number of verses in that book). The right side represents Matthew, the top is Luke, left for Mark, and the bottom line goes with John. The topics and verse references are from the topical index in MetaV which has a mashup of Nave’s Topical Bible Concordance and Torrey’s New Topical Textbook.

A Valid Approach?

It is common to hear a pastor tell how often a certain word appears in the Bible or in a particular book to support his point. But, is this an accurate representation? One can discuss the topic of faith, for instance, without ever mentioning the word directly. I could envision many ways in which the word-count approach would leave a false impression.

It may be more accurate to look at topics and to compare them against each other to see their relative prominence. But, even this approach can have its distortions. It relies on indexes produced by people in a particular culture and historical period. That could introduce some bias in assigning topics to each verse, thereby skewing the whole thing – consciously or not. Overall, however, the comparisons here line up well with what you would conclude after reading it all for yourself (by far the best approach).

About that one in the middle…

It should be no surprise that the lines representing Jesus Christ would be the longest. If it had turned out any other way, I would have begun looking for errors in my data. What is surprising, however, is that the lines form a nicely proportioned cross. According to the topical indexes I chose, John focuses more on Jesus, Mark slightly less, and the others hit close to the average. I’ll leave it to the reader to decide if this is a convenient coincidence or a divine design.

Due to space and readability limitations, only the highest-ranking topics (based on total verse count) made the list. Are you surprised to see any of them in the top 48? Which ones would you expect to be more prominent that aren’t shown on this chart? What stands out in terms of what different writers emphasize? Please leave your comments below – I’d love to hear some insights.

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Analysis Books Politics Teachings The Bible The Savior The World

Law, Liberty, and The Lord: Comparing the Bible to U.S. Laws

Christianity is too judgmental, too strict.  We must drop such dogma if we are to live as free people in a just society.  You have heard this said before.  You may have thought it yourself.  This impression is false and easily disproved by a simple comparison of the words in the Bible vs. the collection of documents that define United States law.

The Bible, Obamacare, Taxes, and US Code compared

Suddenly the Bible does not seem to be such an oppressive rule book after all, especially when considering this chart does not account for many federal regulations, state laws, city ordinances, etc.  Some point to the dietary laws penned by Moses as an example of invasive restrictions on personal freedom.  This seems to be a reasonable argument until you look at Title 21 of the U.S. Code which governs food and drugs.  It has 699,440 words.  Moses only managed to write 174,733 words in the Bible during his entire 120 years on Earth!  The FDA certainly has a lot more “thou shalt nots” limiting dietary freedom than God ever passed down to the Jews.

The same holds true for many other aspects of our lives from the time we brush our teeth to driving to and from work to watching TV at night.  All of these activities are regulated, monitored, and controlled to one degree or another by one or more federal agencies somewhere along the line.

The Source and Justification for Laws

Before going further, we would be wise to understand the reasons that we write laws to begin with.  Consider the words of Frederick Bastiat in his masterful book, The Law:

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws.  On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place…Each of us has a natural right – from God – to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.

[amazon asin=1440446458&template=iframe image] Those things which we have a natural right to defend are those which originate from our Creator.  Therefore, the words God has spoken to us in the Bible should be the foundation of our laws which protect those gifts.  Then, how do we end up with so many statutes which extend far beyond this intent?  Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:8, “But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully.”  When we step away from the biblical basis of natural law, we begin to use it improperly.  The law fails when we turn its intent toward what Bastiat describes as “stupid greed and false philanthropy.”

We have attempted to force “false philanthropy” upon our society through legal plunder – the use of force to deny a person’s right to their property.  As evidence, the longest section of the U.S. Code is the one dealing with health and welfare.  It is over 8 million words which makes it longer than the entire tax code and associated regulations combined.  Surely it is noble to take care of the needy and sickly, but it is unjust to forcibly confiscate someone else’s money to do so.  Religion accomplishes the same task through genuine charity which is not given out of duty, obligation, or force (2 Cor 9:7).  In this and many other ways, the Christian worldview is the antidote (not the source) of injustice or oppression.

Legalism and Grace

When preachers step forward to explain these principles and call us to adhere to God’s standards, some will object that it’s too legalistic.  But, the same folks will not cry “legalism!” when the IRS comes to enforce tax laws which are three and a half times the size of scripture.  It might be easy to jest at this hypocrisy, but it raises a useful point.  Is it reasonable to expect anyone to fully comply with a set of laws so voluminous we can’t even manage to read them let alone understand and follow them to the letter?  Certainly not, and here the faithful critic of legalism is correct to point out our utter inability to live a sinless life (Rom 3:12).

If we fail to follow every rule and regulation codified in U.S. law, we may experience little or no consequence.  Even if we are to commit the most heinous of crimes, our sentence may only be the death of our earthly bodies.  In contrast, God administers eternal and infinitely more severe consequences for breaking just one of his commandments.  This may be one reason that biblical guidelines are seen as less forgiving than federal laws.

While more and more people are beginning to fear our government, our deeper fear is of the one who can destroy both our body and soul in Hell (Matt 10:28).  The natural desire is to ignore or deny this existence of Hell, hoping it will squash our fear.  Why would God set up such severe punishment? Does he hate us? No. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son (John 3:16) to pay the debt we owe so we won’t have to suffer this awful fate.

This is how a righteous judge can also offer us the kind of liberty and peace that can be found nowhere else but in the salvation of Jesus Christ.  When we approach God in repentance and ask forgiveness, it is freely granted.  Ask the same of Homeland Security when you forget to leave a pocket knife in the car at the airport and you’ll find out just how “forgiving” our government can be.

It is time to recognize that when we look to God’s instructions we can be free; when we pile regulations on top of laws built on the wrong foundation, we are crushed under the weight of government power.  If we are to find freedom, let us heed the words in Galatians 5:1:

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.