Culture False Religions Media The World

Evangelists in the Cult of Technology

Imagine someone walking up to a stranger and saying: “Hi, my name is Robert and I’d like to share with you the good news.” The stranger replies: “No, thanks. I don’t want to hear anything about Jesus today.” The evangelist replies: “Oh, no! I wasn’t talking about Jesus …I wanted to tell you about he new iPhone.” In our consumerist society, this scenario is not all that hard to imagine. In many cities it is more culturally acceptable to be an evangelist for Microsoft, Google, Apple, or Adobe than it is to evangelize the true Gospel.

False Prophets Media The Last Days The World

Glenn Beck: False Prophet

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

This is an open letter to Glenn Beck and all other Americans who mistakenly believe that Christianity equates to being:  1) a good person.  2) American.  3)  a conservative.  4)  republican.  You could not be farther from the truth.  Your patriotism, political activities, or vain attempts at righteousness apart from the Holy Spirit mean nothing when it comes to avoiding the Lake of Fire.  It has everything to do with repentance and belief on our Lord Jesus Christ.

While nobody would expect otherwise from the liberals, atheists, agnostics, and new-agers, politically conservative Glenn Beck took issue with a comment from the Bible that Alabama Governor Mark Bentley made about his Christian Faith:

“Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brother and you’re not my sister, and I want to be your brother,” (Matthew 12:50Mark 3:35)

According to the Alabama Local News,  “Beck said the problem was with the sentiment, not the wording. A true messenger of Jesus Christ, he said, must consider every person a brother or sister.”  “Even Luke Skywalker recognized that Darth Vader was his father,” Beck said  Later, he added, “Governor, you are sadly mistaken about your Christianity.”

Glenn, where do you get your ideas about Christianity from?  Star Wars?  God is not with the Jedi. Mark Bentley got his wording from the Bible (Matthew 12:50Mark 3:35).  Have you even read the Bible?  Do you believe the Bible?  If you are really a Christian, why would you take exception to a fellow Christian expounding on Biblical ideas?  Paul did not care if one preached out of strife or good-will, as long as the good news was spread (Philipians 1:18).   How can the Governor be mistaken about his Christianity when he is quoting Scripture within context?

A true messenger of Jesus Christ preaches the Gospel according to Paul.  He does not consider non-Christians to be his spiritual brothers and sisters.  1 Corinthians 10:32 tells us that this fallen world is classified into three people groups:  1)  Believers.  2)  Jews.  3)  Gentiles.  Until a Jew or Gentile Believes on Jesus Christ, he is not our spiritual brother.  According to the Bible, people who preach contrary to the Bible are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9)  The Governor was preaching from the Bible.  You are preaching against the Bible.  Maybe you need to look in the mirror and examine yourself by asking, “am I an unwitting minion of Satan?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)  Again, I ask you, please repent and believe on your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sadly, after a single lambast from Glenn Beck and the atheist media, the Governor pulled a Peter (Matthew 26:75) and apologized for quoting the Bible among an assembly of Christians.Please pray that the Governor will stand tall for faith in Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 6:12).