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Atheism vs. Hatetheism and How to Respond to Each

As atheists grow bolder in the absence of such boldness from christian leaders in the Western world, we have begun to find new terms to describe this group.  Typically, we call them the “New Atheists” – ones who do not simply lack belief in God, but actively assert that God does not exist and “evangelize” their worldview.  Now, I have found a better word proposed by Robin Schumacher, a blogger for the Christian Post.  He proposes the term “Hatetheist” to describe those who cannot help but espouse their hatred (not just disagreement) with theism, especially of the Christian variety.

Schumacher raises a number of points that resonate with me (and I suspect most who engage in any debates with atheists), such as:

…atheists keep Christians honest where our apologetics are concerned, and they are helpful in showcasing what the philosophy of naturalism espouses and where it logically leads.  Although we disagree on theological matters, I’ve found atheists to be respectful, intelligent, and understanding in many of our discussions. They have thought through their positions, present them in a well-organized manner, and are happy to consider contrary positions and opposing arguments to their stance.

In contrast, he says, “discussing theology with hatetheists is an exercise in futility.”  He lays out 8 points describing what sets the hatetheist apart from other atheists.  Below is my attempt to boil down his comparisons for simplicity.

Atheist Hatetheist
Respectful Name-caller
Uses names “God”, “Jesus” “Invisible sky fairy”, “Jewish zombie”
Recognizes intellectual equality Believe they have superior intellect
Considers and addresses arguments Uses red herrings, dodges questions
Recognizes limits of science Adheres to scientism
Universally critiques all gods Focuses on God of Christianity
Promotes freedom of religion Promotes freedom from religion
Does not see Christianity as a threat Fights against threat of Christianity

These distinctions are important because they can help discern how best to respond or approach an unbeliever.  While it may be a good idea to continually engage with an atheist for evangelism or other discussion, Schumacher warns against such continued interaction with hatetheists.  He gives a number of scriptural examples for this conclusion, which is summed up with a quote from Richard Weaver’s book, Ideas Have Consequences:

“Nothing good can come if the will is wrong. And to give evidence to him who loves not the truth is to give him more plentiful material for misinterpretation.”

If you often engage with atheists online, I would strongly recommend reading his entire post.  Do you agree that we should sometimes disengage with an unbeliever, or is it always advisable to keep the dialogue going?

Discernment Sanctification The Christian

The Deception of Eclecticism

Eclecticism in general terms is an approach to a specific subject that doesn’t hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of ideas, but instead draws upon multiple theories to gain insights into that matter.  It is choosing the best from an array of options, which leaves the best conclusion broad in interpretation and application.  This point of view in the area of discipleship and admonishment has led to much confusion because so many methods have become more popular than the Word of God. This attitude has led to the church looking more like the world than set apart for Christ.

When ministering to church members, pastors and elders more and more frequently turn to methods from the world of psychology.  Sigmund Freud says one thing, Carl Rogers says another, and B.F. Skinner proposes another. How do you know which approach is right, true, and the most effective?  We should realize that they are using techniques that grow out of non-Christian principles and rest on unbiblical presuppositions.  This results in using ineffective and spiritually dangerous methods to handle life’s problems.  There are three main implications: 1) the Word isn’t sufficient or adequate to every need or problem man has, 2) God isn’t powerful enough to help, and 3) sin isn’t that big of a deal.

An eclectic approach to helping those in emotional turmoil takes the best of everything that has been discovered, studied, suggested, and advertised as good and glues it together.  Peter told the Jews this would happen, “And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.” (2 Peter 2:2) after he had taught them that God has supplied them with everything they need to live a godly life. “…through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…”(2 Peter 1:2-3)

Biblical shepherding must keep the Word of God and the character of God central.  God designed man to need and follow counsel from an outside source rather than his own wisdom.  He wasn’t created to know all the answers and be able to solve all his problems, but to be dependent on our Creator and true Counselor, God.  Paul reminded Timothy of this need that in order to be wise, a mature man of God, and to do good works he needed the scriptures as, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:15-17)  Because man has been corrupted by sin his need for godly direction is even greater.  Any method that tries to minimize sin because it’s too harsh, judgmental, or self-deprecating should be evaluated through the lens of scripture and thrown out.  Man is sinful, (Romans 3:23) and as a result our problems are linked to sin committed by ourselves, other people, or (more generally) from a fallen world.  The Bible doesn’t need to be balanced or combined with modern psychology in order to help people change and grow.  It is complete and sufficient on its own.

I would like to suggest that there are two reasons believers and the church have adopted these unbiblical methods and reformatted them to look more “Christianized.”   While God’s Word is sufficient enough to meet our every need, trial, and problem, it is the harder, narrower road to take.  It takes work to study and know the scriptures that apply to our particular struggles, and the answers aren’t quick fixes.  As fallen creatures we want what is easy, not what is hard. We will always choose our way over God’s way because of our sinful nature. Without the Spirit’s presence within us we are helpless against the wicked world, which is why Jesus told the disciples that he was sending a comforter to help them when he left. (John 14:15-19, 26)

The second reason the church has adopted worldly psychology is because they have rejected the clear teaching of Genesis regarding six-day creation.  Every modern psychological model is based in large part on the evolutionary tale that we are just animals here by random chance, and thus should be trained and retrained as one.

By logical extension, since God didn’t create us, then his words don’t apply to our every need and struggle. It only applies to issues of the soul, and even then only years and years of therapy can retrain man.  To say man is descended from what basically amounts to pond scum (the “primordial soup”) is in direct contradiction to the Bible.  The church has been deceived in thinking that in order for people to continue to attend they need to think that the church is relevant and not stuck in the “stone ages,” so they support evolution and other professions that proclaim it.  This decision has been eternally costly.

A non-Christian method may look similar to a biblical truth, but the scriptures must be central, not secondary.  It’s like the story Jesus told about the house built on the rock: “whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon the rock.” (Matthew 7:24) A wise teacher will use the Word of God and what Jesus taught as the solid rock foundation to teach, admonish, correct, and rebuke a disciple.  The result will be a house that stands and remains in the midst of problems because the trials were dealt with using the Word of God first and centrally.  Unwise Christians will build on another foundation that will leave themselves and their brothers and sisters in Christ weaker and unable to deal with future problems biblically.

I believe this is the fruit we are reaping in the church because we have traded God’s truth for worldly truth that’s easier to swallow. “And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” (Matthew 7:26-27)  If Christ taught the disciples and the multitudes how to love God and love others, and gave us the tools in which to do that, then I believe he wants us to be the wise man that heard and did what He asked.  From what I see the church of God is looking more and more like the house built upon the sand whose foundation is eroding because it has adopted other means in addition to the Word of God.  The fruit is weak Christians unsure of how to weather the storm of life.  They have chosen the latter truth of Proverbs 13:15 instead of the favorable one.  “Good understanding giveth favor, but the way of transgressors is hard.”

Discernment Spiritual Warfare The Christian

Identifying the Enemy

Too many of us have allowed the culture to shape what we expect to see if Satan or his minions come to influence us.  What does he look like? Is he a goat-man dressed in red with horns, a pointed tail and a trident?  What does he act like? Is he a drug-dealing, murdering rapist? Where does he work?  Does he have his underground headquarters in an inner-city slum or a pornography studio? The answer to all of these questions is NO!  Consider the following:

Satan wants to be “Christ-like” (Isaiah 14:12-14).  He wants people to worship himself instead of Jesus.  To do that, he must trick people into thinking he’s the most righteous spiritual man who ever lived.  He will be so successful at this that the world will believe he is the messiah, allowing him to walk into the temple thus putting himself in the place of God (Matthew 24:15).  Satan will outwardly look and act like the last person you’d ever expect!

Satan is a believer.  He believes Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day (1 Cor 15:3-4).  In fact, he was probably there watching all of it happen!  The Devil(s) believe, and tremble. (James 2:19)  He and his demons tremble because they will not repent.  It is repentance, not just belief, which sets apart a born-again Christian.

Satan goes to church.  He’s probably been going to church since long before you were born. Think about it: why would he waste time around other God-haters?  They are already on his side.  No, he works most tirelessly to divert and deceive those who seek to know God.  Those are the most threatening to the Devil’s plan.

Satan knows his Bible. He can quote passages by heart, even when the heat is on.  He intentionally misquotes it ever so slightly to get his way.  Consider Eden when he added just one word to tempt Eve (Gen 3:1).  Or when he tempted Jesus, quoting (and misapplying) God’s promise of angelic protection from Psalm 91:11-12.  Jesus replied: “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Matt 4:6-7)

Satan is an angel.  Our culture understands the word “angel” to be synonymous with a “good person.”  Yet, Lucifer is an angel and a beautiful one at that (Eze 28:13).  He took many others with him in rebellion (2 Pet 2:4Jude 1:6).  In fact, Hell itself was created for these angels (Matthew 25:41).  So, if you happen to meet an angel, remember there’s a fair chance it’s actually a demon.

Satan doesn’t judge people of other faiths.  There will come a day when all who are not in Christ will worship the Devil under a unified global religion (Rev 13:11).  Therefore, he encourages people who don’t worship Jesus Christ to continue in their ways unchallenged until the time comes for God to separate the wheat from the chaff and burn the workers of iniquity (Matthew 3:12) in the fire that shall not be quenched (Mar 9:44-48).

Satan accepts Jesus as Lord.  When he started out to test Job’s faith, he went before the throne and waited for permission (Job 1:6-12) after arguing for a time.  How often do we ask or wait on permission from God to do anything?  Yes, that man of sin, the son of perdition, knows all too well that he, along with the rest of the created universe, is in constant subjection to Jesus Christ – and he hates it.  Do you find joy in submitting to his power and authority?

Satan’s strategy of deception is to have every outward appearance of Christ, so it should not be a surprise that he does all of the things I’ve just listed.  This is why we must be exceedingly vigilant (Acts 17:11).  Test everyone and everything to see whether it is of God (1 Thess 5:21).  Test your preacher, theologians, scientists, and philosophers.  Test yourself to be sure you are indeed following God’s way to Heaven (Isa 55:8-9John 14:6).

So, how do we guard against the influences of that wicked deceiver?  First, I would argue that it’s not Satan we should be worried about.  It’s our own heart that is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” (Jer 17:9)  During the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, Satan will be bound and God’s perfect justice will rule.    Yet, even with him out of the picture for a thousand years, some will still rebel (Rev 20:11-15).  We will have no more “the Devil made me do it” excuses.  Let us look to our own sin, see the ugliness of it, then praise the Lord for lifting that burden up on the cross.

Discernment New World Order Politics The Christian The Last Days The World

A Letter to Chuck Baldwin

Brother Baldwin,

I write this letter to you because I am afraid you have surrounded yourself with sycophants who will not look you in the eye and expound God’s Truth (2 Timothy 4:3).  I was once in your shoes, and as such I will try to fulfill Proverbs 27:17 in my attempt to guide you to truth.  Like you, I was literally ready to head for the hills and divorce myself from the insanity that has become modern day America (Matthew 24:38).  As always, God’s will won out over my will and in attempting to leave society, I was taught some valuable lessons about God’s will for us today.  As Christians, we are preach the word (2 Timothy 4:2) and not get caught up in the affairs of this world (2 Timothy 2:4).  I believe that God will use this move to Montana to open your eyes just as he opened mine.  I pray that when the time comes, you will heed God’s will and not man’s will as this trip you are making will be a tremendous example to others who are looking for both spiritual answers and spiritual guidance.

This is in response to your 15 September 2010 post titled:  “Why We Are Moving To Montana.”

By now, readers of this column should be aware of the decision my family and I made to leave the beautiful Gulf Coast beaches, and move to the majestic Rocky Mountains: the Flathead Valley of Montana, to be specific. Mind you, Pensacola, Florida, has been my wife’s and my home for 35 years. It is the place where each of our children was born and raised, and still resides today. Rest assured, each of my family is aware of the cold weather climate to which we are headed. We are also very cognizant of the extremely difficult economic circumstances that exist. The truth is, if we were basing this move on things such as “practicality,” or “job opportunity,” or “a place to retire,” we would either 1) stay where we are, or 2) move somewhere else (someplace warmer), because this move, in many ways, is impractical, financially challenging, and could bring personal discomfort to all of us during those harsh Montana winters. The fact is, none of that has any bearing on our decision to move.

I know unbelievers and skeptics have a hard time when I say this, but, we are moving to the Flathead Valley of Montana for the same reason we moved to Pensacola, Florida, 35 years ago: we know it is God’s perfect will for our lives. Period. Why else would we do it? Why would we leave the comfort and security of home, family, and friends? Why would we attempt such a major move in such an economically depressed housing and job market? Why would I walk away from the church that my wife and I started and have poured our hearts and souls into for over 35 years, and that took such very good care of us? On a human level, this move makes absolutely no sense. But as Christians, we are not supposed to live our lives on a purely human level, are we?

I agree with you Brother.  Your moving from Pensacola aligns with God’s will for a number of reasons.  First, there are already multiple Bible-believing ministries operating in Pensacola so leaving will not live a spiritual void.  Second, there are almost zero Bible-believing ministries operating in Montana so your arrival will fill a spiritual need.  Third, you (like myself and many others) have added the Constitution to the Christian Bible which violates the specific prohibition of Revelation 22:18.  I believe that God is inspiring your move in the same way he inspired mine, to open your eyes to a truth that you have either neglected or not known regarding freedom.

So, instead of moving south (like most every preacher you ever knew over the age of 50), I feel God moving me north (about 75-miles-south-of-the-Canadian-border kind of north!). And so does every man in my family. Count them: that’s 5 households and 17 people ranging in ages from 3 months to the upper 70s (I am 58).

I promise you, we have bathed this move in intense and prolonged prayer and meditation. This was not a quick decision. But why would God move us?

For one thing, it became very plain to me that my ministry was over in Pensacola. The brook had dried up, to borrow from the life of Elijah. And I’ve known too many pastors who allowed their personal affections for a prolonged ministry to obfuscate the clear revelation and reality that their ministries had ended and it was time to move on. And in every such instance, the longer they stayed, the more the ministry declined. I had vowed many years ago to not let that happen to my wonderful church family. They deserved God’s best, even if that meant my departure.

Brother, I applaud your discernment in knowing when to exit gracefully.  One of the biggest errors of the modern local church is that we have a tendency to base our success on numbers.  The more people we see in the pews, the more we are able to congratulate ourselves.  As such, it is hard for a preacher to avoid falling into the twin traps of pride (over his attendance numbers) and greed (over his offering plate numbers).  However, is the numbers game biblical?  The Bible tells us that the local church is a place to both equip and edify the saints (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Ephesians 4:12).  It is essentially a training center from which to send fellow soldiers (Philippians 2:25, Philemon 1:2) for Christ into a fallen world.  Its success should not be based on corralling and stagnating Christians as babes in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:1), but in sending them out equipped to meet a fallen world (Matthew 9:37-38).  The same precept applies to pastors too.  When your spiritual work is done, it is time to move on (consider Philip in Acts 8).  I congratulate you for having the both the discernment and the guts to walk away from a built-up ministry as most preachers erroneously think that they (and not God) are holding the local congregation together (Ephesians 5:23).

For another thing, my family and I are ardent patriots. To us, freedom and liberty are much more valuable and desirable than wealth and riches–or even comfort and security. And we believe God has been showing us that if there is a place left in America where true freedom has an opportunity to experience a rebirth, it is in the Mountain States of America’s great Northwest. I love the fact that Montana is often referred to as “The Last Best Place.” And as far as freedom and liberty are concerned, it just might be.

Brother, I speak to you as one who has been in your shoes.  I too erred as a Christian who was an ardent patriot.  I too put my faith in my country ahead of my faith in Jesus Christ.  You are correct to desire freedom and liberty over wealth and riches.  I pity the wretched souls in this nation who value their government handouts more than they value their freedom to think.  However, as Christians, we cannot allow this desire for freedom and liberty to derail our primary marching orders:  the Great Commission.

As I say this, I have no doubt that God has shown you that the mountain states are the last bastion of liberty in police state that is the United States of America.  But are the freedom-loving people of the mountain states free in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 7:22)?  Or are they simply free FROM our Lord Jesus Christ (not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness… 1 Peter 2:16)?  I pray that God is moving you to Montana to both open your eyes to the biblical concept of freedom and to open up a ministry to the multitudes of sinners who inhabit the state.

Now, we are not naïve. We realize that there are many Big-Government liberals and neocons in the Mountain States who will not be pleased to see us come. When compared to the rest of the country, however (and I’ve seen most all of it), I would dare say that there are more freedom lovers in the Mountain States (per capita and per square mile) than anywhere else in the country.

Again Brother, I ask you to consider: are these freedom lovers bathing in the light of Jesus Christ (John 8:12)?  Or are they simply hiding in farthest corners of darkness (Acts 26:18)?  The untold story of every remote tribe on earth is that in their freedom, they invariably worship man or the creation, not our Lord and Creator.  Until some brave missionary brings them the Gospel (Mark 16:15), they seldom have biblical truth.

Since the release of my last two columns announcing our move to Montana, I have received more emails than over the last several months combined. And believe me, I’m talking about hundreds and even thousands of emails. I have received more than 200 emails just from people living in Montana, and 99% of them were enthusiastically supportive. I can assure you, the response that my family and I have received from Montanans has made us feel at home even before getting there.

Many Montanans are excited about the prospect of my starting a new ministry in the Flathead Valley, and once again being able to livestream my messages over the Internet. Others are excited about the prospect of us entering the freedom fight. But most seem excited about both!

Brother, I must ask: Are these people supportive of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16), or of your gospel of freedom at all costs (Galatians 1:7)?  Are these people born again, Bible-believing Christians?  Or are they a modern fulfillment of 2 Corinthians 4:4?  If they are merely supportive of freedom, then you need to tread carefully so that you can preach and teach the gospel (as opposed to merely becoming a false teacher for their itching ears… 2 Timothy 4:3).  Please test yourself to make sure you aren’t turning the gospel of salvation into another gospel (of freedom):  Galatians 1:8  “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

Furthermore, it is our studied opinion that America is headed for an almost certain cataclysm. As Christians, we suspect that this cataclysm could include the judgment of God. As students of history, we believe that this cataclysm will most certainly include a fight between Big-Government globalists and freedom-loving, independent-minded patriots. I would even argue that this fight has already started. And as this battle escalates (and it will most assuredly escalate), only those states that are willing to stand and fight for their independence and freedom will survive–at least in a state of freedom. And we believe that God has already put the love of liberty deep into the hearts of the people of the Mountain States; and we further believe that God is already calling (and will continue to call) many other freedom lovers to those states. One thing is for sure: we know He called us!

Brother, you are 100% correct.  This nation is headed straight to Hell.  Instead of applying the brakes, the liberals and the conservatives have engaged the afterburners.  If there was ever a time to be concerned for physical safety, it is now!

However, as a Christian, what should your response be?  Should it be to organize a defense?  Or should it be to step up your efforts to reach the lost?  Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, and Luke 9:24 would be a good place to start researching this dilemma.  I have no doubt that God called you to Montana, but was it to defend a man-made Constitution or to minister to the saints?  Ephesians 6:12  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Please make sure you are running the correct race (1 Corinthians 9:24) and fighting the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12).

We are not going to Montana to sunbathe (or even ski); we are not going to play games, or play politics; we are not going to “take it easy,” or “hide,” or hibernate. We are not going to “enjoy the climate.” We are going to fight! We are going to work! We are going to help the freedom-minded people of Montana make their stand for liberty! In many ways, the Mountain States just might become The Alamo of the twenty-first century, with, hopefully, much better results. But if not, I would rather die fighting for freedom with liberty-loving patriots by my side than be shuttled off to some FEMA camp after having been rejected and betrayed by soft-living, comfort-seeking, materialistic statists who simply “don’t get it” and have no desire to “get it,” which seems to be pretty much standard practice for a sizeable majority of people today–Christian and non-Christian–around most of the country.

Brother, take a step back.  Why are we going to have those FEMA camps?  Is it because we have neglected the cause of liberty in this nation?  Or is it because we have neglected our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 2:19, Hebrews 2:3)?  What does the Bible say?  It is very clear that God is in charge of what is happening (Jeremiah 18:6-10).  If you truly want to defend this nation, you need to take the gospel to the highways and the hedges (Luke 14:23) instead of holing up in the Alamo. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense…

The Mountain States are also attractive due to the distance separating them from the great regions of the country in which the tables are truly stacked against any growth and extension of the principles of federalism or limited government, namely, the Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest (with my apologies to freedomists in those areas). Big-city liberalism dominates most of the states in these regions. The federal government has invested billions of dollars and thousands of personnel establishing and oiling the Orwellian machine in these areas. There are exceptions, of course, but they are few and far between, and therefore, quite isolated should any kind of serious stand be required.

Brother, have you heard yourself?   What is a freedomist and where is a freedomist found in your Bible?  It’s bad enough that apostates label themselves Calvinists, Lutherans, Catholics, Anglicans, etc, but freedomist?  Even Joseph Smith didn’t have the gall to add such a non-biblical word to the Book of Mormon.  The word freedom only appears twice in the Bible (Leviticus 19:20, Acts 22:28).  If we are to emulate Paul, we should relish not in freedom, but in being “free born.”  Are you pleasing men or God with your freedomist ideals?  1 Thessalonians 2:4  “But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.”

Add to the intrinsically oppressive nature of big-city liberalism and UN-sponsored globalism the out-of-control illegal immigration problem along the Southern Border and one has a recipe for disaster! And that is exactly what is coming: a disaster!

Brother, preach this!  Preach this message until you go hoarse.  Your warning here is biblical as God has promised us a world given over to Satan (Revelations 13:7).  While we may not appreciate it now, the Lord gives us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction to open our blinded eyes (Isaiah 30:20).  Just like ancient Israel, this nation despises the word and trusts in oppression and perversity (Isaiah 30:12).  As to illegal immigration, just like Israel our inheritance has been turned over to strangers and aliens (Lamentations 5:2).  Brother, use your internet ministry to proclaim the truth to this fallen nation:  that we had better repent in sack cloth and ashes or we are going to be destroyed (Jeremiah 18:8, Matthew 11:1).  The Chaldeans are at the gate and only a miracle can save us now (Jeremiah 21:4).

If I am correct in my analysis, and Montana (and surrounding states) really is in store for a FREEDOM RUSH, then it is certain that patriotic businessmen, laborers, tradesmen, professionals, clergymen, physicians, technicians, and people from virtually every walk of life will find themselves among the “gathering of eagles.” From an economic and spiritual perspective alone, the prospect of such a rush could be not only exciting, but also historic!

I have no doubt that when this nation falls, there will be a huge migration of polar opposites.  The super-bowl watching welfare slaves and their “liberal” taskmasters will congregate in their modern Babels.  Those who value their freedom will likewise flock to the hills.  But are we flocking to build hermitages and fortresses or to regroup to reach the lost?  Psalms 9:9 reminds us that the Lord is our refuge in times of trouble.

Therefore, let no more be said of hardship! Our Pilgrim forebears crossed the Atlantic Ocean without maps and with no one to greet them in their quest to find a land of liberty. Our Patriot forebears challenged the greatest military force in history (at that time) and stood on Lexington Green, Concord Bridge, and Bunker Hill to defend this land of liberty. And our Pioneer forebears traversed thousands of miles in covered wagons with no roads or bridges in their quest to carve a land of liberty out of the wilderness. Traveling 2,500 miles in trucks and cars across mostly an Interstate highway system, sleeping in hotels, and eating at restaurants seem like mighty puny sacrifices to make to find that land where this latter-day remnant can live and stand together.

I applaud our forebears because they sought freedom to worship their Creator, not freedom to worship the god of American materialism.  Liberty in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:17) cannot in any way be brought down to the man-made designations contained in the Bill of Rights (1 Corinthians 8:9).  You also miss the fact that God works in mysterious ways (Romans 16:25) when it comes to propagation of the Gospel.  One of the main reasons God put the travel bug in the Europeans was to restore the Gospel to a Christ-rejecting world that had done its best to extinguish the light of the Gospel.  The Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus all but eliminated the churches (Nestorian, church of east, etc.) in Asia.  The Animists did the same thing in Africa, Australia, and the Americas.  Ever wonder why the bloodthirsty Aztecs were looking for a European/Middle Eastern man to come riding in on horseback?  At one time, they too had the Gospel (Romans 10:18).  Revelation 19:11, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”

Yes, I realize the real work will only begin once we have arrived. I completely understand that Montana is not the Garden of Eden and that the Serpent is already there, waiting for us. I expect a fight. And I know I speak for the men of my family when I say, Bring it on! Freedom and liberty, along with the Natural Law principles of federalism and independence, are worth fighting for. In fact, they are worth dying for. So, living or dying, we intend to circle the wagons around the State of Montana and fight to our dying breath for the right of that State to live free! And while we are at it, we believe God will let us help many good, freedom-loving people of Montana find true inner freedom that comes from Christ alone. After all, any true student of American history knows that revival and revolution go hand in hand.

What is this Natural Law that you speak of?  Is it the law of nature described in Romans 2:14?  Or is it the non-biblical laws of nature dreamed up by Aristotle, Cicero and Augustine?  I ask for clarification because your “freedomist” audience may not understand that the invisible things of God are understood by all and that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).  Bring it on?  Are we commissioned to fight with human fists or wielding the word of God (Ephesians 6:17)?  I have no doubt that federalism, independence, freedom, and liberty are worthy ideals, but they should never be the prime focus of our Christian ministries (2 Timothy 2:4).  Please make sure you aren’t getting distracted by the minutia when you need to be focused on the war at hand (1 Timothy 1:18).

To borrow from the Apostle Paul, “And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto [Montana], not knowing the things that shall befall me there.” (Acts 20:22) But I also have faith in another Biblical principle: that God opens doors that no man can shut (Rev. 3:8). And for the Baldwin family, that open door is the Flathead Valley of Montana. And no recession, or ridicule, or opposition, or false accusation, or cold and snow can shut that door. Montana, here we come!

Brother, please only quote Paul if you realize that Paul was focused on winning souls (i.e. Acts 20:21) and not establishing a patriotic resistance.  Second, God opens doors that cannot be closed by man, but God is talking about doors to proclaim the Kingdom of God, not to establish the last stand of the Alamo.  Third, I have no doubt that you all are called to Montana.  I just pray you learn biblical lessons from the move and that you focus on preaching to the Montana lost.

I end this letter on the following verse and its implications for anybody who would try and fight God’s coming judgment on this fallen world (the New World Order is nothing more than a modern Babylon):

Jeremiah 38:2: “Thus saith the LORD, He that remaineth in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live; for he shall have his life for a prey, and shall live.”

Discernment History Politics The Christian The World

An Open Letter (Response) to Brother Sam Gipp

From an American Soldier

“Some Americans believe that our Founding Fathers instigated a war on April 19, 1775, in order to throw off British government, and that the Declaration, approved on July 4, 1776, was a public justification of this overthrow. American Christians have had difficulty understanding why many of our Founding Fathers, while adhering to biblical principles in their public and private lives, could, at the same time, rebel against constituted government. Historical investigation shows that they did not rebel.”
p. x “The Revolution Myth” by Gene Fisher and Glen Chambers.

Let me preface this article by acknowledging that I have never met Brother Gipp in person, and due to geography, I will probably never meet him in this life. From what I know of Brother Gipp, he is an outstanding biblical teacher and I am greatly indebted to him for his Answers BookA Student’s Defense of the Authorized Version, and Gipp’s Understandable History of the Bible. If you have not read these three books, they are outstanding lessons regarding why we must never lose our Scriptural Foundation (as found in English in the King James Bible).

I am writing an open letter (in response) to Brother Gipp’s “Open Letter to the Military” in an effort to fulfill Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” It is written to all Christians who have become wrapped up in the pseudo-Christian “American Patriot” movement and to all Christians who are inadvertently fighting spiritual symptoms (i.e. flesh and blood) instead of spiritual illness (i.e. unbelief in our Lord Jesus Christ). I pray that this open letter will open your eyes to the truth as God’s word has opened my eyes.

This letter is written by a bible-believing born again Christian, an American by birth, and a soldier by choice. In 2006, I was saved through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. To clarify, I do not speak of the false “faith” of American Churchianity that makes Jesus just another false idol right next to mom, country, and apple pie. It took 27 years, but God finally brought my prideful, self-righteous self to my knees and exposed my need for a Savior. He made it abundantly clear that I could not save myself, that I must trust in the blood of Jesus to wash away my sins. Like “Christian” in John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” a burden was lifted off my soul that will never return.

I believe it is essential to get a message across to Christians in America in an era that may very well be our darkest hour. A message that flies in the face of everything I have held dear as both an American and a soldier. A message that is a 180-degree about-face from what I believed before I began to diligently search the Bible for answers on this subject (2 Timothy 2:15). A message that will contradict the statements and teachings of many bible-believing brothers in Christ who I view as elders and/or teachers. However, contrary to popular perception, the Bible does not promote unity (2 Corinthians 6:171 Timothy 6:5), it promotes truth (John 8:321 Timothy 2:4), and it is for truth that we must stand. It is high time we compare “American Patriotism to truth and to expose its flaws to the light of the Bible.

As we all have been taught from elementary school on, America, according to the Constitution is a republic, governed by the people, for the people. It is clearly not a monarchy (although one could argue it is practically an oligarchy), and no matter how many times the ignorant repeat the lie, it is not a democracy. It is a republic. As a republic, the people, by way of elected representatives, are in control of their destiny. Sounds good right? If only it were still true. For all practical purposes, our republic and our Constitution exist in name only; nothing more than nostalgic remembrances of a “better day.” Proof of this can be seen daily on the news: The 1st and 2nd amendments are on life support, insane judicial activism is unrestrained, and political campaign “donations” (legalized bribery) rule the day. The physical battle for liberty in this nation ended at Gettysburg where freedom-loving blacks (contrary to liberal propaganda) and whites died fighting the shock troops of the New World Order. If God had wanted unbridled American liberty to continue, the Confederates would have won.

Americans long ago rejected the word of the LORD, and consequently He has rejected the American people (Jeremiah 18:10). This is not a new phenomenon. The Bible was thrown out the door of schools in 1963. Socialism was institutionalized by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930’s. “Christian” scholars and pastors rejected God’s words as preserved in the AV in favor of the apostate ASV in 1901. This republic tolerated full-fledged martial law with no pretense of the Constitution in ½ of the country from 1865-1877. In fact, the Constitution was officially destroyed in 1865 during the War of Northern Aggression when Lincoln shredded the Bill of Rights and attacked an independent sovereign nation. Long before Lincoln, the dual plagues of Unitarianism and Deism spread throughout the land and if it weren’t for some bible-believing, fire-breathing Baptists (and Methodists) the Bible would have all but been extinguished in this country (read William Grady’s What Hath God Wrought). Like Israel (and all sinners), this nation fell into unbelief as soon as it was born. George Washington himself trampled all over both the people and the Constitution when he attempted to put down the so-called Whiskey Rebellion and the republic was only 5 years old.

If popular folk-lore is to be believed, this nation was conceived in iniquity. Have you read1 Samuel 15:23? It tells us that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. If this nation indeed was born out of rebellion over something as spiritually unimportant as taxation, we must seriously ask the question: Were the “founding fathers” biblically literate, let alone Christian? Christians should never appeal to rebels for their marching orders. For all who insist on believing the Boston Harbor rebellion propaganda, I must point you to the outstanding book: The Revolution Myth by Gene Fisher and Glen Chambers. These authors offer the only plausible answer as to how Bible-believing Colonists could have picked up arms against England. They inform us that the colonists didn’t rebel from the King, the King declared war on the colonists on 22 December 1775 with the Prohibitory Act. If this is true, our real Independence Day is not July 4th. It is December 22nd (not to be confused with the pagan Hol(i)y-Day, Christ-Mass mentioned nowhere in the Bible).

Today we literally live in the modern equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. The “Ism’s” have taken over the public square: Animism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Buddhism, Calvinism, Catholicism, Communism, Fascism, Feminism, Hinduism, Judaism, Materialism, Mormonism, Muhammadism, Satanism, Socialism, etc. As a people, we literally care more about Hollywood celebrities, sports, and music stars than we do about God, family, or country. What happened? As has happened many times in history, we allowed Satan to fulfill 2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

The next time an atheist asks for proof of biblical prophecy, just turn on a television and show themMatthew 24:38 “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,” We are so carnal, I would not be surprised if 10 righteous men could not be found in most cities in America. Genesis 18:32 “And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.”

1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Per 2 Corinthians 4:4, this message will only make sense to born again Christians. It can be summed up with three scriptures:

1) 1 Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.” As previously mentioned, Christian Americans need to repent of their acceptance of the American Rebellion myth. I don’t care how much we respect George Washington, et. al. If they were rebels to a legitimate God-ordained government, they are not to be placed up on pedestals. Instead, they are to be held as examples to our children as men we should NOT emulate. As Christians, we need to separate ourselves from any modern movements that seek to falsely make rebellion a Christian heritage or value.

2) Jeremiah 18:6-10 “O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.”

1 Corinthians 10:11 tells us that Old Testament history happened as examples for our admonition. That said, what does the Old Testament say about the course of nations? It is explicit. Jeremiah tells us that nations are like clay in the potter’s hand. God builds them up and destroys them based on their obedience and spiritual condition. If they obey God (like our forefathers) he will build them up. If they do evil (like our current culture) he will repent of the good he previously did for them and will proceed to pull down and/or destroy that nation. What you are seeing today is nothing more than a fulfillment of God’s word. We rejected God, and God is fulfilling his promise to destroy us. We cannot blame the atheists or liberals for their nefarious attempts to destroy this country. They are just change agents for God’s coming judgment.

3) Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” Romans 1:25 pretty much sums up American history from 1776 – Present. We changed the truth of God (the KJV) into a lie (fake bible versions, false preaching/teaching, prosperity gospels, etc.) and worshipped the creature (Social Gospel, 19th century Utopia movements, Evolution, Feminism, New Age earth worship, etc.) more than God. Instead of worrying about God’s coming judgment, we should be thankful he hasn’t rained down fire and brimstone on us already.

I will now proceed to analyze Brother Gipp’s letter in light of the Bible:

There may be dark and trying days ahead for our country. The actions of this president have been hostile to both our Constitution and freedom in general.” You are correct. This is a dark and trying time and the actions of this president are indeed suspect. However, what does the Bible say? Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” Do you subscribe to the view that “We the People” are king and the President is the servant? If so, we don’t get off any easier in Proverbs 29:12 “If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.”

The country, as a whole, is emotionally charged and bent on self preservation rather than the good of the nation.” You hit the nail on the head! It took me three years to come to grips with this reality as I was once stuck on self-preservation too. Like many American Christians, I rationalized that maybe if I prepared, stocked up, and trained, we could take on the minions of the New World Order until the Rapture occurred. Why? Because the Bible indicates that somebody will be doing some type of resisting in the time of the Anti-Christ: “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” (Revelation 12:14)

However, taking this view now is anti-biblical for three reasons: 1) it violates Luke 17:33: “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” 2) It is based in materialism, and not biblical faith. Paul too was “free born” (Acts 22:28) but not once do we find him picking up arms to defend that status. 3) Who are we to oppose prophecy? Do we want to end up like the Israelites facing Babylon in Jeremiah 21:4? As Gamaliel wisely noted inActs 5:39 “But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”

The President and Democratic Party in general seem bent on forcing their agenda on a populace that is more and more resistant to that agenda.” If only it were this simple. The Republican party did the same thing only 2 years ago but most “conservatives” ignored it because the Democrats always appear to be worse. We are consistently presented with two choices in this country: 1) Militant Corporate Fascism (Republicans). 2) Bloodthirsty Communism (Democrats). We then have the unpalatable “choice” of voting for the next Hitler or the next Stalin. Ron Paul burst on the public radar two years ago and “conservatives” and “liberals” alike all but laughed him off the stage for promoting the Constitution.

The American resistance to our present circumstances has nothing to do with biblical repentance or a sudden national belief in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As can be seen by the “Tea Party” movement and healthcare revolts; our real motivations are to save our precious treasures and possessions. If this was a Christian resistance movement we would have started pushing back in 1963 when the courts tossed out the Bible or in 1973 when we legalized the wholesale murder of babies (50 million and counting). Ironically, as a generation, the Baby Boomers rejected God, and God is now going after the only thing they care about: their money (in the form of their retirements, health care, and savings).

It could be very likely that, in an effort to seize control of the nation, President Obama or some other forces acting on his behalf may stage a “crises” that “forces” him to take dictatorial control of the nation.” First, the President is nothing more than a Manchurian Candidate. A mere puppet of the global elite (princes of this world, 1 Corinthians 2:8). The few times Obama has skipped the teleprompter he suffered verbal lapses worse than the “Bushism” theatrics. Second, he already has dictatorial control because we voluntarily signed it over long ago in the name of “peace” and “security” over the staged crisis of 9/11 (admittedly just the latest in a long string of staged crises in this country – Gulf of Tonkin anyone?). George Orwell pretty much hit the fake crisis nail on the head with his classic novel, “1984.”

There may be a “frame-up” of conservatives in which some “Bible-toting, Constitution quoting” mock conservative commits some heinous crime designed to turn the nation’s anger away from the administration and towards anyone who would dare disagree with the president.” This has already happened three times in the last two decades: 1) Waco. 2) Ruby Ridge. 3) Oklahoma City. Before that the John Birch Society was all but decimated by a calculated campaign of media slander. Frame-ups are to be expected as non-Christians and their satanic handlers have no moral basis from which to base their decisions. Romans 3:11 “There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.” For insight into how they play the game, read:Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky

There is even a chance that the nation may shortly slip into a civil war or anarchy. If this happens the only force able to combat such a coup would be the U. S. Military.” I do not doubt that this nation is on the brink of civil war and/or anarchy. However, there are two things to keep in mind: 1) God is in Control so “Fear Not” (Matthew 10:31). There will be no government change (or for that matter, government preservation) without his approval. 2) The coup you refer to already happened in 1865 when “we the people” became Rockefeller’s corporate America, Inc (Lee and Stonewall Jackson, both Christian military men, lost that battle).

To our Military. Please remember at all times that you swore an oath to defend the United States ConstitutionNOT the government, be that the President, Congress or Supreme Court. Your allegiance should always be to use any power within your ability to defend and preserve our Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic. If the president attempts to establish dictatorial control over the country, not granted him by the Constitution, then he is no longer president and instead, a rebel, threat to your country. You owe him no loyalty, obedience or defense. He is to be arrested along with all those who assist his attempted revolution and tried in a criminal court.” The only thing that men learn from history is that they never learn from history. The following presidents declared martial law and/or established dictatorial powers over this country: 1) Lincoln. 2) FDR. 3) Kennedy. 4) Bush II

If the President calls in troops from a foreign country to subdue the population, all such troops are to be viewed as foreign invaders and dealt with accordingly. No nation should have troops in this country. No president should request or allow such a thing. Any president that allows or initiates such an act is attempting to become a dictator.” Where do we get the notion that the President can’t call in foreign troops? The kangaroo courts have already determined the Constitution is subject to change and interpretation (ironically, just like “Christian Scholars” say that our “inerrant” biblical text is open to change and interpretation). The president is our elected representative. Based on our system of government, he speaks for all of us. If we don’t want foreign troops on our soil, we should probably be voting for a president that won’t bring them onto our soil. We voluntarily voted Obama in office as a nation. Why? Because political correctness, peace, prosperity, and the social/welfare gospel are more important to us than either Jesus Christ or personal freedom. Just as God gave Israel the king they wanted in 1 Samuel 8:10-22, God has given us the desires of our heart (tyranny)

The United States military is like no other in the world. As shown in all wars in which they have fought, they can literally obliterate an enemy and yet, within minutes of the battle being over, be handing out candy to children.” You are correct. We are like no other military in the world. However, it’s not for the reasons you think. The candy and compassion are nothing more than P.R. glosses to hide the ruthlessness of the American soldier who is literally the most skilled killing machine on the planet. This is why third-world despots tremble at the thought of the US Marine. Nobody wins wars by being nice (search the word “destroyed” in the Old Testament)

It is this benign might that will be needed if trying days come upon us. Ruthless against the invader yet benevolent to the populace.” Again, this is nothing more than Hollywood fiction. We fire-bombed hundreds of thousands of civilians at Dresden. We nuked two civilian cities in Japan. We decimated the Vietnamese populace. Iraqi civilian deaths are estimated to be 100,000+. Shall we include all the third-world dictators and tyrants who have wipoed out their own populace while supported by American F-16 diplomacy? Don’t get me wrong, I am no peacenik. War is clearly a biblical concept (mentioned 200+ times). We just shouldn’t pretend that American troops are something other than fallen and sinful men (especially since most of our troops are NOT born again Christians).

Use your might to defend civilians, not to oppress them. If ordered to attack or subdue American citizens refuse to obey the order!” You can’t have it both ways. We can’t both defend the Constitution against domestic enemies while simultaneously refusing to attack or subdue American (domestic) citizens. This is the clamor of desperation of one who is doubting God’s control in the destiny of our nation (trust me, I was previously in your shoes and I too harbored these conflicting feelings). Again, trust God. He is in control: Mark 13:7 “And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.”

If chaos sweeps our nation then do not use your might to establish private armies that seek to enslave the citizens. Use your might for right.” What is right? Man’s view of right or God’s view of right? If God is rebuking and/or chastening us, who are we to resist? Revelation 3:19 “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.”

To Those in Law Enforcement

The police forces of Third World nations are notoriously corruptIn many cases they are nothing more than thugs, drug dealers and enforcers for criminal elements. Again, the police, like the military, are nothing more than a reflection of a society as a whole. You are asking unregenerate men, who do not believe in King Jesus, to go against their sin nature. The only way you will change them is to follow 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

Following the events mentioned above the United States will become a violent, dangerous and scary Third World nation. Rule of law will breakdown and people will be killing one another for food, fear or revenge. Just as you are the civilizing force in our society today, you will be desperately needed in the days following any breakdown of society.” Agreed. Consider three more verses:

1.      2 Peter 2:10 tells us that those that walk after the flesh despise government.

2.      Matthew 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

3.      Matthew 10:29 “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.”

Because you have trained in the use of force and know how to get people to obey you there may be a great temptation to abuse what you have been taught and try to oppress the civilian population. In light of the lack of respect and appreciation you may feel you have endured by some elements of the public, please do not allow yourself to fall into corruption with the rest of our society. There will be an ample number of weaker civilians that will desperately need your help and protection. Your nation will need you as never before. Abandon your morals and it will be bloody chaos.” No argument. But here is our chance as Christians to step up and live what we believe. The testimonies out of China, Vietnam, Sudan, Nigeria, India, etc. of police and military personnel being converted to Jesus Christ after their oppression of local Christians is awe-inspiring. From biblical testimony, we have the jailor of Acts 16 who came to salvation through the improper beating/jailing of Paul and Silas. Check out Voice of the Martyrs, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, etc. for more information on Christians persecuted for their faith.

Don’t submit to the desire to use your power to bully, cajole or get even with the weaker folks in our society. You will be physically stronger than most but you will need to be morallystronger. You will have weapons others do not have, don’t use them in a shameful manner.”Again, this is a chance for us to live our faith. You are asking non-Christian men to act against their sin natures. It won’t happen unless God works on their hearts. I know it is scary to contemplate, butRevelation 17:6 doesn’t exclude the blood of American saints.

For Both Groups

Regardless of what you have been told, the greatness of the United States is not due to the “Sacred Cow” of “Free Enterprise.” our forefathers did not come here to start Pizza Hut! They came for the right to freely worship the God of the BIBLE. (Not the Koran.). Correct. And their descendents, all the way down to us, traded in the God of the Bible for a bunch of man-made false idols. See Isaiah 1 and Jeremiah 18 for our options (i.e. repent or face the consequences).

Man is basically selfish. Only the Bible admonishes man to think of others ahead of himself. Only the Bible gives him the inner strength to resist the desire to be vengeful, vindictive and oppressive. Because of 150 years of Bible preaching (1620-1776) our people grew up moral.Agreed. The one thing that the atheists never admit to is that the success/failure of modern Europe was rooted in the Bible. Without the Bible, the Europeans were just a bunch of wild tribesmen living in squalor at the edge of the Roman Empire. The problem we face is that since 1776, Bible preaching has degraded into the Joel Olsteen/TBS Prosperity Doctrine mixed with Timothy Leary’s “if it feels good, do it.”

That morality gave them the carefree spirit that saw our forefathers advance technology by thousands of years, from the sailing ship to walking on the moon in 200 years. Yes, on the one hand, Bible morality and literacy is the engine for progress. On the other hand, that same technological progress eventually leads to laziness followed by lack of Bible literacy. Proverbs 16:18“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

Look at nations today that were never run by the Bible. They are Third World nations locked in the past we left behind. What little technology they have was given by that Christian nation, the United States of America. Correct again. And look at America since we have kicked the Bible out of government, schools, and pulpits: We are looking more and more third-world by the day.

Our society has been duped. It was told this would be a better nation if there was no prayer in our schools. Are we? We would be more “progressive” if we allowed our children to have no morals. Are we? We would be more civilized if we didn’t spank our children. Are we? We would be happy if we got everything we ever wanted. Has it worked? The answer is “No” inevery case. Correct again. When we worship man, we end up with chaos. This is a hard lesson to be re-learned by each generation. 1 John 5:21 “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.”

The only real hope America has for survival is a return to hard biblical preaching. Not the lame, “Let’s have a group hug” of liberalism, but the “Hellfire and brimstone” that New York, Hollywood, Congress, the Supreme Court, the President…and you are afraid of. If you choose “greed and the gun” over the “Bible and benevolence” we are truly doomed. Amen Brother. Please, for our country’s sake, focus on this kind of preaching. I would much rather see this nation repent than to be destroyed, but I will not shake my fist at God (Romans 9:20). Please do not get side-tracked on legislating, petitioning, or voting our way out of this spiritual mess we are in. Instead, preach the Gospel and follow the admonishment of 2 Timothy 2:4 “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” If Christians plant and water, God will give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

Review some of your recent actions and see how self-motivated they were. The best thing you can do is to turn from greed to God. That thing in your past that you are ashamed of has already been paid for by the punishment Jesus Christ endured. Yet, because He was God and not man He rose from the dead. Think about it. What good is a religion that couldn’t get its Founder out of the grave? Now, go check where the founders of every religion in the world are right now. If Jesus Christ has the power to get Himself out of the grave He has the power to forgive your sins, come into your heart and save you and, if you should die, raise you from the grave when He returns. When He returns He will reward those who have accepted Him as their personal Saviour and chosen to serve Him.” No argument. We need to take a cue from the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons and start spreading the Gospel door to door if this nation has any hope.

Over the past 50 years our public schools and institutions of higher education have turned this nation to heathenism. We will not see how thorough and devastating this conversion has been until the collapse comes. our Nation’s hope will be the morality of our military and law enforcement officers. But the hope of every individual will be in putting their eternal soul in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ…as it always has been.” Hold it. You just got-side tracked by some lurking nostalgia for your pseudo-Christian American patriotism heritage. Our nation’s hope has nothing to do with the morality of the military or law enforcement officers. Our nation’s hope will be to repent and turn towards the Creator God of the Bible, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Jeremiah 18:8 “If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.”

Let me finish by saying: Brother Gipp (and/or any born again bible-believing Christian), if anything in this response contradicts biblical truth, I ask you in all sincerity to correct my error. Please show me in English from the King James Bible where I am wrong and I will accept it without question. Too many times today we forget to “be Berean” Acts 17:11 “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”

In Christ,

A Pilgrim

Jeremiah 37:19 Where are now your prophets which prophesied unto you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land?

Current Events Discernment Politics Separation The Christian The Last Days The World

To Whom We Pledge Our Allegiance

The socialist left clearly and unapologetically seeks government help and control when it comes to our economy, health care, and other such issues. We would be wise to also recognize that the “religious right” trusts in the government almost as much, yet for different reasons. As one example, liberals want the power of the state to protect them from poverty while conservatives seek state protection from invasion. Both of these views allow the government to usurp its proper authority as we surrender ever-increasing degrees of freedom while putting more and more faith in the hands of men in power and less in the hands of God. The end result of this will be all-out submission to a man in charge of a consolidated world government and a nearly complete rebellion against the Lord of Lords (Rev 13:4-8).

We are seeing this end result draw nearer each day. Not a single war we have engaged in since WWII has been constitutionally declared. Because of abortion, America now ranks second only to Mao Zedong’s reign in terms of how many innocents have been “legally” killed. Our President is openly advocating pulling the plug on the elderly when they are deemed unworthy for taxpayers to keep paying the bill (see it on video here ). Our schools are training grounds for atheism, immorality, and belief in myths parading themselves around as science. The daily news is saturated with signs showing our culture’s fast decline, especially if you’re watching mainstream media who are single-minded to such a degree that they often use the exact same catch phrases on every channel.

The responsibility for these problems lies not in those who advocated or voted for the leaders who implemented these policies and programs. It lies in the hands of Christians who have abdicated their responsibilities, allowing a multiplicity of new agencies to fill the void.

Christians cheered on efforts to engage in the Global War on Terror, while all too few were willing to engage in evangelism in that part of the world. Instead of building local orphanages in America for babies who might otherwise be aborted, churches erect state-of-the-art gymnasiums and put on rock concerts to attract the youth that managed to survive America’s Holocaust – all the while waiting around for a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade. Churches used to build neighborhood hospitals to care for those who couldn’t afford a doctor. Now we fight for dear life in opposing national health care. The first “public” schools were Church schools. Today, we can’t even manage to get prayer or the Ten Commandments back into the classroom, let alone teach them the evidence that supports creationism or other biblical history. The way to steer this ship back on track is to turn the opposite direction – to repent as a nation.

Shouldn’t we air-drop gospel tracts at least as much as we launch aerial assaults on terrorist training camps? Can’t we draw the scared pregnant woman to a place where she and her future child will be cared for before she walks into the clinic seeking a permanent solution to her temporary problems? Aren’t we able to care for the sick in our own community before Obama forces a national program of taxpayer-funded euthanasia and abortion? Won’t fathers teach their kids the wisdom of God instead of expecting the public schools to teach anything other than Darwinism and moral relativism? None of these actions will guarantee our salvation for the victims of militant Islam, unwed mothers, cancer patients, or the illiterate. What it will do is demonstrate that Christians care more about serving God than attacking the symptoms of apostasy.

When we petition a President or any king-like figure to correct such issues before praying to the King of Kings, to which one are we demonstrating allegiance? Do we get more “fired-up” about standing up for our rights at a Tea Party than we do about falling to our knees in prayer? As a nation and as individuals, we must recognize the tendency to make an idol of the government in ourselves before attacking liberals who act in accordance with their godless worldview.

Some may think this article is an unpatriotic attack on America. They would be wrong. I am simply encouraging you to trust God for your freedom, your liberty, your sustenance and salvation. Do not trust in men or a constitution to protect your freedom or your rights. Do not expect any institution of men to weave our nation’s moral fiber. The only true protection from evil will come when Satan is forever vanquished and Jesus, not the “Shining Star” of your favorite political party, takes his seat in a new kingdom (Matthew 19:28).

Discernment Politics The Christian The World

Should a Christian Join the Military?

The Religious Right seems to overwhelmingly support the military, seeing their service as essential to keeping this a so-called free Christian nation. These assumptions are often incorrect, as this article shows from a biblical perspective.

Should a Christian Join the Military?

Church Issues Discernment Separation The Christian

Marks of a New Testament Church

A summary of four marks that every New Testament Church should exhibit: The Scriptures as its charter, The Saints as its circumference, The Savior as its center, The Spirit as its conductor.

Marks of a New Testament Church.

Apostasy Church Issues Current Events Discernment The Christian The Last Days

Pastor To Obama: “May The Force Be With You”

You know you’re apostate when…

You quote Star Wars as your prayer for the new Commander and Chief of the United States.

“I say to you as my son who is here today, my 14-year-old son – he probably would not quote scripture. He probably would use Star Trek (sic) instead, and so I say, ‘May the force be with you.”

Is he serious? Did a so-called Christian pastor just give a New-Age send off (The Force definitely isn’t the Holy Spirit of the Bible) to the President-elect in the face of looming national crisis? Is there no outcry? People, wake up. If our leaders lead this nation into error – we will be destroyed (Isaiah 9:16). In case you don’t know, this is exactly what is being planned for this nation as predicted in the Book of Revelation almost 2,000 years ago!

We’ve turned our churches into standing jokes. They have spiraled down so far that your average church-going American thinks that the building he attends is what should be called the “church.” Most people think our meeting houses are places you only go to host marriages, funerals, and Presidential pre-parties like the above mentioned travesty. How can we be the light to the world (Matthew 5:14) if we no longer have light? If you are among born again believers, you are the church (Colossians 1:24). You are to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). You are to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). You are to sow seed and reap a harvest (John 4:36-37). You are to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-20) and be soldiers for Christ (2 Timothy 2:3).

Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us of our national sin in turning from your pure words (Psalm 12:6-7). Forgive us for heaping upon ourselves teachers after our own lusts (2 Timothy 4:3). Forgive us for pursuing profane and vain babblings (2 Timothy 2:16). Forgive us for equating the Holy Ghost with a pantheistic idol such as “The Force” from a man-made fairy tale (Star Wars).