Evangelism Salvation The Christian

The Good Test

Many people think they will go to Heaven because they are a good person. Take this test to find out if you’re good enough by God’s standards and discover the provision he has made for sinners.

Current Events Discernment Politics Separation The Christian The Last Days The World

To Whom We Pledge Our Allegiance

The socialist left clearly and unapologetically seeks government help and control when it comes to our economy, health care, and other such issues. We would be wise to also recognize that the “religious right” trusts in the government almost as much, yet for different reasons. As one example, liberals want the power of the state to protect them from poverty while conservatives seek state protection from invasion. Both of these views allow the government to usurp its proper authority as we surrender ever-increasing degrees of freedom while putting more and more faith in the hands of men in power and less in the hands of God. The end result of this will be all-out submission to a man in charge of a consolidated world government and a nearly complete rebellion against the Lord of Lords (Rev 13:4-8).

We are seeing this end result draw nearer each day. Not a single war we have engaged in since WWII has been constitutionally declared. Because of abortion, America now ranks second only to Mao Zedong’s reign in terms of how many innocents have been “legally” killed. Our President is openly advocating pulling the plug on the elderly when they are deemed unworthy for taxpayers to keep paying the bill (see it on video here ). Our schools are training grounds for atheism, immorality, and belief in myths parading themselves around as science. The daily news is saturated with signs showing our culture’s fast decline, especially if you’re watching mainstream media who are single-minded to such a degree that they often use the exact same catch phrases on every channel.

The responsibility for these problems lies not in those who advocated or voted for the leaders who implemented these policies and programs. It lies in the hands of Christians who have abdicated their responsibilities, allowing a multiplicity of new agencies to fill the void.

Christians cheered on efforts to engage in the Global War on Terror, while all too few were willing to engage in evangelism in that part of the world. Instead of building local orphanages in America for babies who might otherwise be aborted, churches erect state-of-the-art gymnasiums and put on rock concerts to attract the youth that managed to survive America’s Holocaust – all the while waiting around for a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade. Churches used to build neighborhood hospitals to care for those who couldn’t afford a doctor. Now we fight for dear life in opposing national health care. The first “public” schools were Church schools. Today, we can’t even manage to get prayer or the Ten Commandments back into the classroom, let alone teach them the evidence that supports creationism or other biblical history. The way to steer this ship back on track is to turn the opposite direction – to repent as a nation.

Shouldn’t we air-drop gospel tracts at least as much as we launch aerial assaults on terrorist training camps? Can’t we draw the scared pregnant woman to a place where she and her future child will be cared for before she walks into the clinic seeking a permanent solution to her temporary problems? Aren’t we able to care for the sick in our own community before Obama forces a national program of taxpayer-funded euthanasia and abortion? Won’t fathers teach their kids the wisdom of God instead of expecting the public schools to teach anything other than Darwinism and moral relativism? None of these actions will guarantee our salvation for the victims of militant Islam, unwed mothers, cancer patients, or the illiterate. What it will do is demonstrate that Christians care more about serving God than attacking the symptoms of apostasy.

When we petition a President or any king-like figure to correct such issues before praying to the King of Kings, to which one are we demonstrating allegiance? Do we get more “fired-up” about standing up for our rights at a Tea Party than we do about falling to our knees in prayer? As a nation and as individuals, we must recognize the tendency to make an idol of the government in ourselves before attacking liberals who act in accordance with their godless worldview.

Some may think this article is an unpatriotic attack on America. They would be wrong. I am simply encouraging you to trust God for your freedom, your liberty, your sustenance and salvation. Do not trust in men or a constitution to protect your freedom or your rights. Do not expect any institution of men to weave our nation’s moral fiber. The only true protection from evil will come when Satan is forever vanquished and Jesus, not the “Shining Star” of your favorite political party, takes his seat in a new kingdom (Matthew 19:28).

Church Issues The Christian

One Man Ministry

George Barna tells us that “Church-goers expect their pastor to juggle an average of 16 major tasks. That’s a recipe for failure.” Could this be solved by going back to the Bible, questioning our tradition of having only one pastor? This online book answers this question for us.

One Man Ministry.

Church Issues The Christian The Savior Traditions

Why Modern Churches Are Carnal

It is worth questioning whether many of our church practices are based on tradition or the Bible. Throughout history, churches have held on to traditions so tightly that they eventually sit at odds with their Biblical roots. This book is a call for the church to once again question tradition in light of Biblical truth.

Truth About The Church.

Discernment Politics The Christian The World

Should a Christian Join the Military?

The Religious Right seems to overwhelmingly support the military, seeing their service as essential to keeping this a so-called free Christian nation. These assumptions are often incorrect, as this article shows from a biblical perspective.

Should a Christian Join the Military?

Church Issues Discernment Separation The Christian

Marks of a New Testament Church

A summary of four marks that every New Testament Church should exhibit: The Scriptures as its charter, The Saints as its circumference, The Savior as its center, The Spirit as its conductor.

Marks of a New Testament Church.

Church Issues The Christian

The Truth About Tithing Part 2

Does the amount of your tithe equal the amount of your sanctification? Are you cursed if you fail to tithe? No! Read one author’s view of what the Bible really says about giving.

The Truth About Tithing Part 2.

Church Issues The Christian

The Truth About Tithing Part 1

Some preach that you are “robbing God” if you do not tithe. Others simply teach it as a Christian duty. It’s time to challenge those ideas and learn what the Bible truly says on the subject.

The Truth About Tithing Part 1.

Personal stories The Christian

Our Vision for This Website

We started with a lot of ideas and relatively few web design skills. It wasn’t until after we got started that God saw fit to bestow upon us the knowledge we’d need to take things further. In the process, I (the web designer) have discovered even more amazing possibilities. What we have now is the tiny beginning of what I believe will be a very big endeavor, Lord willing.

Just think about what is now possible with the latest web technology and available free of charge. With one simple search box, I can instantly find any information I want in many forms: words, pictures, video, and even interactive presentations. It is possible to find videos based on the speech content, 3D panoramas of many places on a map (including 3D terrain), charts of any historical data, instant pricing and info on anything money can buy, and on into infinity. It almost seems the possibilities are only limited by the size of our imagination.

As we marvel at the technological achievements of our time, God finds a new way every day to remind me that the inventors of this virtual universe are worthy only to worship at the feet of the Creator of the actual universe. It’s all too obvious that the web is used mostly for anything but service to the Lord. Just try searching for an answer to some simple question and you’ll spend far too much time wading through blasphemy and perversity just to find some coherent commentary or useful illustration.

Now imagine if just some of these advancements were put toward the everlasting reward of knowing God more intimately and understanding our times in a way only he can help us to see. What if, with that one little search box, you could do a whole Bible study knowing that the only information you’ll have to sort through is from people who believe and defend every word of God?

Search a Bible character’s name and see his genealogy, the verses with his name, the places he’s been, artistic renderings, video or audio commentary. Click a verse in the Bible to see where it fits in the timeline of history and read articles from many different Bible teaching websites. Click a word to see its definition, search a concordance, and everywhere else that word or its root is found. Move around a realistic 3D rendering of structures like the Tabernacle or Noah’s Ark. See churches near you on a map – but not every church, mosque, temple or synagogue – just those which are recommended by Bible-believing Christians. You can even get current news that’s relevant to a biblical worldview from multiple websites, all in one news reader.

Church Issues The Christian

The Truth About Tithing–Old Testament Perspective

An in-depth look which gives a different perspective on what the Old Testament has to say about the practice of Tithing.

The Truth About Tithing–Old Testament Perspective.

Apostasy Evangelism Salvation The Christian The Last Days

Hell’s Best Kept Secret

Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why have the Church neglected it?

Personal stories The Christian

What Can I Do To Help?

This is the article that inspired us to begin this website. If you are asking yourself “What Can I do?”, here is a good place to begin looking for an answer.

What Can I do to Help?

Apostasy Church Issues Current Events Discernment The Christian The Last Days

Pastor To Obama: “May The Force Be With You”

You know you’re apostate when…

You quote Star Wars as your prayer for the new Commander and Chief of the United States.

“I say to you as my son who is here today, my 14-year-old son – he probably would not quote scripture. He probably would use Star Trek (sic) instead, and so I say, ‘May the force be with you.”

Is he serious? Did a so-called Christian pastor just give a New-Age send off (The Force definitely isn’t the Holy Spirit of the Bible) to the President-elect in the face of looming national crisis? Is there no outcry? People, wake up. If our leaders lead this nation into error – we will be destroyed (Isaiah 9:16). In case you don’t know, this is exactly what is being planned for this nation as predicted in the Book of Revelation almost 2,000 years ago!

We’ve turned our churches into standing jokes. They have spiraled down so far that your average church-going American thinks that the building he attends is what should be called the “church.” Most people think our meeting houses are places you only go to host marriages, funerals, and Presidential pre-parties like the above mentioned travesty. How can we be the light to the world (Matthew 5:14) if we no longer have light? If you are among born again believers, you are the church (Colossians 1:24). You are to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). You are to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). You are to sow seed and reap a harvest (John 4:36-37). You are to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-20) and be soldiers for Christ (2 Timothy 2:3).

Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us of our national sin in turning from your pure words (Psalm 12:6-7). Forgive us for heaping upon ourselves teachers after our own lusts (2 Timothy 4:3). Forgive us for pursuing profane and vain babblings (2 Timothy 2:16). Forgive us for equating the Holy Ghost with a pantheistic idol such as “The Force” from a man-made fairy tale (Star Wars).

Personal stories The Christian

A Poem on Standing Strong

The wind whistles loud and clear
It’s howling hell for me to hear
“You can move with me or against me
But you can never move without me”

The wind only whispers some days
Echoing Hell’s hounds that just blew away
It has the power to shatter the glass walls
That make me feel safe in the halls

‘Tis a force to be reckoned with, I know
And I reckon we’re comparable foes
For as long as I have the strength to stand
I will surely have the upper hand

My fight with the wind will forever be
When forever ends, the victor is me


I wrote this on a cold night at the Air Force academy. I had just come from walking across the terrazzo. It’s always windy up there. When I was going to sleep I could hear the wind whistling and howling in the railing above my room. It was louder than ever before. This poem, however, represents much more than a lack of sleep from an annoying noise.

The wind generally represents the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) who is the one pushing ever-changing winds of false doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). It is an outside influence that you have no control over. Imagine yourself standing alone in an open field on a windy day. You are intent on standing firm where you are, not to be swayed by the wind. You have principles and faith that you must defend. Everyone has some sort of safety net or defense structure to help them stand firm in such situations, but that can only go so far.

Your defense mechanisms won’t always protect you. Just when you feel safe, the collective winds can shatter your ‘glass wall’ defenses. People can band together and rise up in efforts to blow over your moral foundation. One alone is as feeble as a molecule of air; many of them put together can be overwhelming. After that, the only thing left is your will, aided by the Holy Spirit, to stand on principle and faith alone.

As long as you have the personal fortitude to continue standing, you have won the battle. Once you are firmly grounded in your convictions, no amount of force will break you. Think of it as a candle in the dark: the light (good) can overpower vast expanses of darkness (evil). It seems to be battling the darkness. As long as it burns, the candle illuminates everything if even just a little.

The same is true for your soul standing in eternity. The phrase ‘when forever ends’ is just a literal device to say that if you stand up in principle for eternity, you win! You may sway now and then with all that’s against you, but you still remain standing. What is your foundation? Is it God’s words found in the Bible, or is it man’s thoughts and opinions? When the outside world changes, will you always ‘go with the flow’, or will you go the narrow way? When the ‘flow’ is righteous, will it be a wind at your back or a hindrance to your goals? Think about it.