Many claim that the King James Bible mistranslated Acts 12:4 as “Easter” when it should be “passover.” A full examination reveals that the former is the only correct rendering of the word “pesach” (or “pascha”).
Category: The Savior
Scripture clearly indicates that God does not listen to or answer every prayer. In fact, Scripture gives at least fifteen reasons for unanswered prayer.
It is worth questioning whether many of our church practices are based on tradition or the Bible. Throughout history, churches have held on to traditions so tightly that they eventually sit at odds with their Biblical roots. This book is a call for the church to once again question tradition in light of Biblical truth.
Why do bad things happen? Through the ages, human beings have sought to reconcile their understanding of an all-powerful, loving God with the seemingly endless suffering around them. Tommy Mitchell explains the Biblical answer to this problem.
Why Does God’s Creation Include Death and Suffering? – Answers in Genesis.
Defining Soul Liberty
Soul liberty is an unalienable right bestowed on us by our Creator God. Unalienable means that something cannot be taken away, nor given away (as opposed to inalienable which means something can be given away voluntarily). God has given you a free-will choice to either let him liberate your soul from this material world or to keep it in spiritual darkness. No government, man, or created being has the right or even the ability to prevent you from doing so. Your enemies may be able to kill you, maim you, or physically imprison you – but they can never touch your soul. As Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
To adequately understand soul liberty, we must first understand the meaning of the words soul and liberty. As Christians, we have one ultimate source of authority on Earth, the King James (1611) Bible, which can be used not only to find the meaning of life but can also be used to find the meaning of words. All other sources (dictionaries, commentaries, references, etc.) are secondary. The Bible uses the word soul 427 times and much can be gleaned about what it is from the context in which it is used:
- Our souls are directly connected to the breath of life (this is the first usage of the word and appears to define its meaning). Genesis 2:7
- Our souls define us. Genesis 12:13, Genesis 27:4, Exodus 12:15, Leviticus 5:1, 1 Samuel 20:4
- Our souls can be lost. Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:36-37
- Our souls are separate from our physical minds. Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27
- Our souls can be left in hell. Acts 2:27, Acts 2:31
- Our souls can fear, sorrow, and be troubled. Matthew 26:38, Mark 14:34, John 12:27
The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary defines soul as follows:
SOUL, n.
1. The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.
As we can see from both the Bible and the dictionary; our souls are our immortal substance. They constitute not just our physical life, but our very being. They are a part of us that we cannot give away, sell off (not even to Satan), or destroy. When our physical bodies pass away, our souls will still exist (either in hell or in heaven). The Bible uses the word liberty 26 times and the first usage in Leviticus 25:10 defines it as the return of every man unto his family. This indicates that liberty frees us from bondage.
- Liberty can free those in bondage or captivity. Leviticus 25:10, Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 34:8, Ezekiel 46:17, Acts 24:23, Acts 26:32
- Liberty seeks the precepts of God. Psalm 119:45
- Liberty can be abused, violated: Jeremiah 34:16, Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 2:16
- Liberty can be used against us. Jeremiah 34:17
- Liberty can become a stumbling block. 1 Corinthians 8:9, 1 Corinthians 10:29
- Believers have Liberty. 1 Corinthians 8:9, 1 Corinthians 10:29, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 2:4, Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 2:16
- There is a perfect law of liberty (God’s law). James 1:25, James 2:12
The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary defines liberty as follows:
LIB’ERTY, n. L. libertas, from liber, free.
1. Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty, when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty, when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty, when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions.
6. Liberty, in metaphysics, as opposed to necessity, is the power of an agent to do or forbear any particular action, according to the determination or thought of the mind, by which either is preferred to the other.
Freedom of the will; exemption from compulsion or restraint in willing or volition.
Both the Bible and the dictionary define liberty as freedom. For this study we are not concerned with natural, physical, political, or even religious liberty. We are concerned with soul liberty. The freedom of our thoughts, our immortal being, our soul. The Powers That Be (PTB), can place our bodies in bondage, but they cannot place our souls in bondage as we are the children of God,as seen in Romans 8:21: “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
Soul liberty is the very essence of your mental being. It is the freedom to believe, to think, and to be spiritually free. Soul liberty is what has fueled every great revival in history. Soul liberty is what keeps a man from sinking into despair when his place in life appears hopeless and futile. Soul Liberty is the greatest freedom that any man can hope to attain. The question you need to ask yourself is: Is my soul free? Do I have soul liberty?
If you can’t answer the question directly, maybe the Bible can help us shed light on the answer:
- Are you free in Jesus Christ or merely paying lip service? John 8:36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
- Are you the Lord’s freeman or Christ’s servant? 1 Corinthians 7:22: “For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant.”
- Do you use your freedom to serve God or Satan? 1 Peter 2:16: “As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.”
- Do you fear God or the Powers That Be (PTB)? Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
I keep coming across the idea that belief in evolution doesn’t matter to Christians because (supposedly) evolution is “science,” and Genesis is a religious “myth.” People then say that science and religion answer different questions. Religion answers “why” and science answers “how.” So, what does it matter if God used evolution to create us or whether it was by divine fiat?
This whole idea goes back a long way, but was popularized by an evolutionary biologist (and noted Marxist) named Stephen Jay Gould. He called it Non-Overlapping Magisteria, or NOMA. This is an attempt to separate science and religion as being totally different entities and two different ways of discovering truth. Religion deals with spiritual truths while science deals with natural truths.
If that’s the case, then there should be no conflict whatsoever between science and religion, right? Not so fast. When it comes to creation and evolution, there’s quite a conflict. When we talk about origins, science and religion fully overlap and thus the NOMA idea doesn’t apply. Both means of discovering the truth arrive at fundamentally different answers with regards to where everything comes from. Science is trying to tell us that the creation of everything is due to natural causes. Religion tells us that “God created.”
You see, it does us no good to wonder why God created us, or what His purpose for us is if we don’t even believe he created us in the first place. Furthermore, knowing how he created us tells us a lot about God’s nature. Evolution, at its core, is entirely purposeless and directionless. Its foundational concepts include random variations preserved through selection (death). Notice the word “random”. If God used evolution to create us, what does that say about our purpose? What does it say about death? If we’re mere accidents on an evolutionary tree, then we’re not created in God’s image according to His will. If death is part of the creative process of God, then it was not a punishment for Adam’s sin. Religion and “science” (if evolution can even be classified as science) are in a great deal of conflict with the biblical description of God.
Christians see Jesus as the Son of God. On several occasions, Jesus referenced parts of Genesis in defense of his teachings. In particular, he used the creation story to defend marriage between one man and one woman, saying that the two are one flesh and man shall “cleave unto his wife.” Furthermore, Matthew and Luke include Adam in Jesus’ direct lineage. But, if evolution is true, then Adam and Eve didn’t exist. So, what does that mean about Jesus’ statements on marriage? Which people in the Bible’s genealogies are real if the first ones aren’t? How arrogant are we as humans to say that we know the history of life on Earth better than the Son of God?
As I will show in other articles, we have every reason to scoff at man-made myths about swirling balls of gases that formed stars, then planets, then goo, and eventually …you. The Bible is an important book of history that starts at the very beginning, as written by an eyewitness. In the story of creation, this eyewitness is God Himself, who spoke to the first man and inspired the writers of the Bible. It is this witness which gives us observations which we can begin with in conducting scientific investigations to discover more about our wondrous habitation.
I leave you with this thought from Romans 1:20-25:
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.”
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”
– Robert Jastrow
Everyone has moments in their life when they ponder their existence. Occasionaly it’s simply a question of ancestry; many times it involves the origins of life on Earth and the universe itself. I’m no exception to this. I was given a basic concept of how our existence might have come to be throughout my public school education. Teachers explained that a big bang quickly dispersed gases and such throughout the universe very quickly. Then, things cooled and slowed down; galaxies, stars, and planets formed. On Earth, there must have been a pre-biotic soup of complex chemicals that formed the earliest simple cells. The rest of the story is documented in the fossil record and the subsequent evolution of these simple cells eventually produced all life we see today. Of course, all of this must have happened over billions of years. It all seemed logical and well-supported; I thought all that was left was to figure out the steps involved in going from our evolutionary beginnings to the present day.
Imagine my utter shock when I learned that the basic premises for all of this were based on mere speculation or flawed evidence and that there was another explanation staring me right in the face my whole life. The answer was in Genesis. I had heard about creation scientists who believe everything was created in six days as described in the Bible and that Earth is merely a few thousand years old. In the face of what we’ve been taught and led to believe our whole lives, this seems preposterous at first glance.
Much of the criticism stems from a perception that all creationists do is try to show the impossibility of evolution and that they say such things because they simply don’t understand how it works or they stubbornly refuse to abandon their faith despite scientific knowledge or reason. After over a year of obsessive investigation I’ve uncovered a network of qualified PhDs in all disciplines that have done serious research, written volumes of technical papers and produced informative videos showing how the Biblical model makes better sense of scientific observations. This investigation is what led me to reject my faith in evolution and put my faith instead in our Creator. I couldn’t come close to covering the details which led me to this realization, but I’ll try to cover the basics.
Religion and Science
First, let me clarify some things about science and religion. Religion is a worldview. Your beliefs and moral practices are based on that view. Science is a way to test a hypothesis. In science, you make predictions based on logic or mathematics that are testable and (preferably) falsifiable. Then, you interpret the results to see if they fit in to an overall theory, which is sometimes predicated on assumptions which are shaped by one’s worldview or the reigning paradigm.
There are thousands of different religions, but on the question of origins they fall neatly into two categories: naturalist and creationist. The former is a belief that everything that’s in the universe is self-existent and was shaped exclusively by natural processes. The latter is a belief that the universe was created by a supernatural being that is eternal and exists outside of what we know as space and time. The difference is especially obvious concerning the origins of life on Earth.
By their very nature, scientific experiments must operate independently of any religious bias. It involves the careful observation of facts to see if a prediction makes sense. If the results falsify the theory or fail to adequately support it, it’s time for a new theory. As I have seen lately, the evidence used to support evolution as a basis of origins simply doesn’t hold up. It’s past time to abandon it as an explanation of origins. However, the only alternative is to believe in special creation. That’s simply too hard to swallow for a lot of people who are reluctant to give up beliefs held their whole lives.
Before getting into the details, you might be wondering why such a discussion of evidence is important. Why spend so much time and effort disproving evolution if it is possible that God used evolutionary processes to create the world? Couldn’t Genesis be interpreted as a day being comparable to a geological age? Should we “limit” God by having a narrow view of origins? There are many ways to interpret the six days as described in Genesis, but all of them result in compromising key doctrines and scripture as a whole, as I will show.
The word “day” in our language can be used to describe the 12 or so hours that we can see the sun, it can be a full 24-hour day, or it can be sometime in the past (i.e. “Back in my day…”). In the Hebrew language (the language of the Old Testament), when that word is combined with words like “evening” and “morning” or when it’s given a number in front like “first”, “second”, and so on, it always means a 24-hour day. Every single one of the verses in Genesis that describe the creation says “and the evening and the morning were the (insert # here) day”.
The Bible is filled with references to God’s six-day work of creation. The fourth commandment in Exodus 20:11 spells this out clearly and Jesus used the history found in Genesis to explain his teachings in Matthew 11:23, Matthew 12:39, Matthew 19:4-6, Matthew 22:31-32, Matthew 23:35… and that’s just in one book! If you think most of the creation story is metaphor or merely poetic, think about the genealogies from Adam all the way down to Jesus Christ as detailed in Genesis 5, Matthew 1, and Luke 3. Then ask yourself, “Where do the metaphors end and the where does reality begin?”
Now, here’s the bigger issue: death. Unless death came as a result of sin (Romans 5:12), then it existed before God declared everything “very good.” For old-earth advocates, this means death carried on for millions of years before that declaration. Yet, every sane human being intrinsically knows that there is nothing “good” about death. The existence of such suffering and evil is often used as an argument against the existence of a loving God. Only the young-earth view that death (physical and spiritual) came through original sin sees it as an enemy in this world – an imposter that Jesus Christ conquers.
We mere humans have no business telling God how he must have gone about creating our world. He told us already! There’s no need for re-interpretation – no need for compromise. Let me show you why so many credible scientists (and theologians) see no conflict between scientific evidence and a young Earth.
The Evidence
Take it from the beginning: how did a primordial soup of chemicals form the first cell? In Darwin’s day, they thought cells were a blob with a dark spot in the middle. It wasn’t much of a stretch at that time to hypothesize that the first cells might have come about by unguided chemical interactions. Now we know that even the simplest cell has at least as many complex systems as a space shuttle, making this argument far less convincing. But even complex things like crystal formations can be seen forming all over the place in nature, so complexity by itself is not enough to prove that something is the result of an intentional mind.
One way to empirically asses whether something is the result of deliberate design is through a concept that Michael Behe calls “irreducible complexity.” Consider his example of this using a mousetrap. A mousetrap has several parts. If you take any of the parts away, it ceases to have any useful function. Darwinian evolution would require that mousetrap to have formed step-by step, keeping the parts that helped and rejecting the parts that were useless (natural selection). An irreducibly complex system is one in which no parts are useful (therefore gaining a survival advantage) until all the respective parts are in place and functioning properly. Evolutionists have no good answer for this problem when it comes to the origin of life and many of the systems we see in biological organisms.
For the sake of argument, suppose that first cell could have formed naturally and survived. Now, it has to manage a way to reproduce. It also has to modify genetic code to form entire organisms and produce the diversity we see today. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet found anything in nature that can increase the information content DNA and retain it for generations. The main argument is that this happens through mutation, but many fail to realize that this usually destroys parts of the code rather than producing it.
At this point, an evolutionist might chime in by saying that I’m ignoring the fact that we see evolution happening today with things like antibiotic resistance in bacteria. We see new species all the time, and living things evolve to adapt to their environment extremely well. Creationists have no beef with this because that’s a form of evolution which takes place through mechanisms we can observe and test – mechanisms which have never been observed to make something new (morphological novelty). A dog can beget different dogs, a bird can beget different-looking birds (like Darwin’s finches), but can an ape-like creature beget some transition to a human? There are limits to evolution and adaptation.
An evolutionst might also point out that fossils are observational evidence that creatures have changed throughout the eons. You have probably visited a museum with a display of the “ascent of man” with clay replicas of fossils that show the transition from apes to humans. What you don’t know is that many of those transitional forms are either hoaxes that are still presented as proof or the fossil was nothing more than that of a tooth or small fragments of a skull. Fossils displayed as complete skeletons are usually a “Frankenstein” collection of other fossils found at different sites. Darwin himself said that if his theory were to be true, there must be thousands of these transitional forms. Millions of fossils later, we still see very little in the way of potential transitional forms. Even if you arranged enough complete fossils in a certain order to show the transition, this still requires interpretation which is open to argument and preconceived biases.
What about the age of the earth? Doesn’t carbon dating (and other radiometric dating methods) show us beyond any real doubt that the earth is billions of years old? No, it doesn’t. The first problem is that radiometric dating assumes uniformitarianism; that is, it assumes decay rates (and other necessary values) have always been constant. A group of researchers with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) has found remarkable evidence that several radioactive elements decayed much faster at some point in the past. They have also used other means of dating elements (such as helium diffusion rates through zircon) to determine the true age of the earth. Do you know what they found? That the data show the earth is between 4,000 and 10,000 years old! What’s worse – fossils that are supposed to be millions of years old should have no measurable C-14 left in them. C-14 has been found and measured in fossils found all over the earth. This error can’t always be explained by C-14 contamination because excessive amounts have been found in diamonds which are not prone to an influx of outside carbon. For more on the Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth (RATE) project, see ICR’s web site.
One might wonder how so many fossils and sedimentary layers could have formed in a short time period; doesn’t that take millions of years? The truth is that in lab experiments (by secular scientists) we see that fossils can form in a matter of hours under the right conditions, and in a matter of a few years under conditions commonly found in nature. Dr. Dino (Kent Hovind) has an impressive collection of fossilized pickles, hats, and even a fossilized cowboy boot with his leg still in it. It doesn’t take all that long to form a fossil or the rock layer which has preserved it.
Geology can bee seen two ways: layers formed by sediments that were laid down and shuffled around over millions of years, or the strata were formed and features were carved by a massive worldwide flood (ring any bells?). The Grand Canyon is a favorite subject among creation junkies such as myself. I was always told it was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years. Did you know the highest point on the canyon’s ridge is several thousand feet higher than where the river enters? Rivers don’t flow uphill. You might explain that away by assuming that tectonic shifts rose the edge over time. In fact, there is evidence of uplift, but the angles at which the layers are bent indicates that the sediment had not hardened into rock yet. Also, if you look at a satellite photo, you’ll see that certain eroded features were made pointing in the opposite direction of the river flow.
Now for the universe: physicists generally explain that the Big Bang or something like it is a reasonable, naturalistic explanation of how our universe began. The main evidence for it is expansion of the universe and the cosmic background radiation. There’s another proposal by physicist Russell Humphrys, Ph.D, called White Hole Cosmology which explains this evidence much more fully while showing it could all take place within the biblical time scale.
The best way to understand the concept of a white hole is to compare it to a black hole. Just as everything sinks inward beyond the event horizon of a black hole, so does everything expand outward beyond the event horizon of a white hole. When Einstein’s General Relativity theory is applied to this concept, we can explain the problem of stars being billions of years old and millions of light-years away while only 6,000 years have passed. Time is very different when you include massive speeds and gravitational forces in terms of Einstein’s relativity.
That’s only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it’s only the snowman on top of the tip of the iceberg. There are still many, many questions to be answered. I questioned this a lot at first, but in searching deeper I’m thoroughly convinced of all of it. If you require more explanation, more proof, there are a few web sites you can start with on our links page or use our custom search tool: a Google engine which finds results from a group of creation-focused sites selected by the editors at
I would hope that the amazing discoveries and scientific experiments carried out by creationists would get roaring applause the world over, especially from Christians. They’ve taken what we already know about many fields of science and have moved the research a step further to test assumptions through experimentation. They’ve scientifically shown that we can trust Bible and that faith and reason are not in any way opposed. Then, why aren’t they getting peace prizes and a wealth of funding to carry on their research?
A fundamental tenet of the scientific community is never to invoke supernatural explanations. That’s a reasonable assumption when examining ongoing processes, but it presupposes that such a supernatural being could never exist or interact with our world. When a creationist comes forward with experimental validation of a young earth, they are ridiculed and labeled as religious fundamentalists who don’t understand science. I don’t think it’s necessary to point out examples from history, but humans have seen a lot of great scientists come and go that were ridiculed in their time for their “radical” notions. American society is based on freedom and tolerance, but that doesn’t really apply when it comes to religion in academia.
Most scientific research is funded by government grants or universities. Under the guise of religious tolerance, neither the US government nor major universities will fund research that is clearly aimed at promoting one religious concept over another. As a case-in-point, a creationist that works at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History got a paper on Intelligent Design published in a secular scientific journal. That caused frenzy at the Smithsonian and sparked quite a lot of name-calling and bluffing. It was presented in documentary form in Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.” (For the record, Intelligent Design is quite different from biblical creationism. ID simply holds that life is designed, is not interested in who did it or when, and refuses to use the Bible as evidence.) Creationist researchers are funded by private donations, eliminating the restrictions on academic freedom found at leading research institutions.
Evolutionists claim creationists have no authority because they haven’t been published in any peer-reviewed scientific journals. They actually have, but the papers used to support a young earth or refute evolutionary hypotheses can only get published in peer-reviewed creationist journals. No one who questions evolution, no matter their qualifications or validity of their argument, is allowed by secular publishers. Most of the creationists who have published their work earned Ph.Ds from the top schools in the world. Many of them didn’t turn to creationism until long after they graduated. Still, the anti-Christian bias trumps truth in our fallen world.
The Truth
What’s simple is true: you did not get here by some chance event that formed life from rain and lightning on rocks or in the sea billions of years ago. You are a direct descendant of Adam, the divine and special creation of God. It happened exactly as He described through the penmen of the Bible and is confirmed by the teachings of Jesus with no need for re-interpretation or revision. Don’t just take my word for it. Look into it yourself. Read the Bible and the findings of those who have devoted their lives to studying the science behind it. Find the answers you want in as little or as much detail as needed to thoroughly convince you. I pray you’ll find your way.