What happens when we medicate a “chemical imbalance” instead of asking Jesus to heal our sinful hearts? The Citizens Commission on Human Rights documents the mad, mad world of psychotropic drugs.
Category: Medicine

Pro-Life advocates have widely reported shockingly high abortion statistics recently released from New York City. But, how does abortion compare to leading causes of death in America? How does it compare to mass murder campaigns throughout history? In all areas, the data prove that the mother’s womb is indeed the most dangerous place in the world.
Live Action, a group that has gained national prominence with their undercover videos exposing illegal activity within Planned Parenthood, reported that New Yorkers had 52% more abortions than died from all other causes combined in 2008[1].
This insight led me to investigate further: how does abortion compare to leading causes of death in America? We hear a lot about heart disease being at the top of that list, especially when big-government politicians call for legislation protecting us from known risk factors in popular foods. As it turns out, the abortion rate in our country is nearly twice as high as the death rate from heart disease[2].
Now, let’s take the next logical step and compare the number of babies killed in America since Roe vs. Wade to the top five multicides (which includes genocide and any other mass murder campaigns) throughout history.
We can see that the number of abortions in America secures our place as being more murderous than all the regimes we invoke to compare against our political enemies du jour[3]. Yet, this rate is still fairly low when matched up with the rest of the world. Global abortions in 2003 were at a whopping rate of 41.6 million annually, down from 45.6 million in 1995[4]. At that rate, there would be over one billion babies murdered in the span of 25 years. By a wide margin, the pro-life mantra: “The most dangerous place in the world is the mother’s womb” rings true.
So, what are we to do? Protest at abortion clinics? Lobby state and national legislatures? Appoint pro-life judges? All of these things help to varying degrees but ignore the root of our problem: SIN. You see, I’ve left out the most important statistic of all: 100% of all deaths result from Original Sin. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” Rom 5:12
We as individuals and as a nation must repent – turn from our wickedness – to escape God’s certain judgement. Jeremiah 18:8 outlines our only hope for saving our country: “If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.” Our best weapons against the evil of abortion are not the courts or the voting booth. It is the Sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17). I pray God through his humble and obedient servants will send this Spirit to all peoples, tribes, and nations to deliver us from death and Hell before our time runs out.
[1] Abortion data from http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/vital_statistics/2008/table23.htm
Causes of Death from http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/vs/2008sum.pdf
[2] Abortion data from http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html#2
Causes of death from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm
*Excludes deaths from medical errors which likely fall somewhere within the top 10 (estimates vary widely)
[3] Abortion data from http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html
Multicide data from http://necrometrics.com/20c5m.htm
*Estimates vary widely
Live Action, a pro-life activist group, uncovers data comparing the number of babies killed in New York City to the total number of deaths in the same city. The data show that abortion is by far the number one cause of death in that city.
Shocking Stat: Number of Abortions Exceed All Other Deaths Combined in NYC.
Christians, it is time to ask ourselves an important question: “Would God condone medical practices that utilize dead babies as the cure to a disease?” Would the Creator God of the Universe, Our Lord Jesus Christ, give mankind medicine concocted from the remains of murdered unborn children? Would God, who declares witchcraft to be a sin (1 Samuel 15:23), require us to mix mutilated bodies of babies into a bubbling chemical stew as the basis for a growth medium from which we then derive a cure for disease? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your heart may already be too hard to break (Romans 1:24).
We need to stop blithely following “expert” medical advice under the convenient excuse that God gave us doctors; thereby implying that all medicine must be inherently good. Modern medicine with all its scientific technology is harboring a satanic secret. There are vaccines used in routine medical practice made from dead babies. Yes, you read that correctly. There are drugs made from dead babies. Three ‘dead baby’ vaccines are administered to children on a regular basis. These three are the MMR, Chicken Pox, and Hep A vaccinations.
To prevent this diatribe from turning into a book, we will limit this article to direct citations of these three common vaccines. The phrase “dead baby” is used both intentionally and repeatedly to allow the depravity of this situation to sink in. We will then step back and allow both the Holy Spirit and your conscience to work on you further. If after examining this issue you still condone the usage of ‘dead baby’ vaccines, I must beg the questions: “Are you really a Christian? Are you even saved? Are you so backslidden that you don’t even have a twinge of anger or sadness over the wholesale slaughter of children?”
Before you blow this information off as mere “anti-vaccine” propaganda or the ranting of some uneducated internet denizen, please note that our references come directly from Merck. Merck is one of the largest and most respected pro-vaccine pharmaceutical companies on the planet. They wouldn’t be claiming to use dead baby cells in their vaccines if they weren’t actually doing so. Here is proof from Merck’s own website:
MMR. Mumps, Measles, and Rubella.
“1. Plotkin, S.A.; Cornfeld, D.; Ingalls, T.H.: Studies of immunization with living rubella virus: Trials in children with a strain cultured from an aborted fetus, Am. J. Dis. Child. 110: 381-389, 1965.”
Please note that this reference directly states the rubella strain is cultured from a dead baby. Merck makes no attempt to hide the fact that a baby was killed to make this vaccine.
source: http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/m/mmr_ii/mmr_ii_pi.pdf
Chicken Pox.
“introduced into human embryonic lung cell cultures.”
The only way to get a human embryonic lung cell is to kill an embryonic human. (i.e. a baby). Why are using dead baby cells in order to fight a disease that is almost always harmless?”
source: http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/v/varivax/varivax_pi.pdf
Hepatitis A.
“human MRC-5 diploid fibroblasts”
MRC-5, which you can look up online, is code for a particular baby murdered in 1966. Evil people will quip: “but they’re only using a baby already long dead, they’re not using new victims.” This may be true for the current vaccine, but common sense will tell you that if they were using dead babies in experiments in 1966, then they are still using dead babies in products today (such as women’s skin cream).
sources: http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/v/vaqta/vaqta_pi.pdf
You are probably thinking: “What kind of crazy conspiracy theory is this?” Modern drug companies wouldn’t use deceased children for medicine, you may object. I’m sorry, folks, it’s time to face the reality published by the vaccine producers themselves. Modern medicine has been making vaccines from dead babies for years. The modern medical community that sings the praises of these vaccines has practitioners among them that have killed 50 million babies in America since the 1970s without shedding a tear. Only the atheistic dictators Mao and Stalin are alleged to have killed more people!
Now that we’re finally awakening to the evils of this world, let’s ask another question. Is it possible that these vaccines made from dead babies are actually harmful to our children? Is it possible that the explosion in immunological and nervous system diseases in modern times is actually a physical response of God’s perfectly created human body as it attempts to purge itself of toxins such as dead baby vaccines? Is it possible that injecting dead baby vaccines into the bloodstream of living children is such an abomination that God would allow the injected child to die in order to shed light on this evil practice?
Here and here are two articles that are a good place to start when answering this question. Please do not shirk your responsibilities. God tells us that parents, not doctors or insurance agencies, are responsible for the welfare of their children (1 Timothy 5:8).
Let me end on a word for the wise. Mothers have a tendency to mentally short-circuit when faced with the reality that they are voluntarily harming their own children by injecting them with a chemical witch’s brew full of cells from aborted fetuses (i.e. dead babies). Nurses and doctors will naturally shut out all vaccine information they are presented with to avoid facing the realization that they have been accomplices in the maiming or killing of hundreds if not thousands of otherwise healthy children over the course of their medical careers. Their rejection of the truth is a human knee-jerk emotional response as they try to protect themselves from the weight of their consciences and overwhelming feelings of guilt. Present this information to them in as loving a manner as possible and reassure them that God can and will forgive their participation in this evil if they will only fall to their knees and ask His forgiveness.
All Christians need to pray for discernment on the subject of vaccination. Ask yourself: “Does God’s medicine include injecting people with tissue from an aborted baby, embalming fluid, mercury, or anti-freeze?” According to the product inserts, some vaccines contain exactly those chemicals. Watch this doctor’s testimony to make an informed decision.
New research by the EPA seems to suggest a link between vaccines that contain aborted fetal tissue and sharp rises in autism rates. Jill Stanek reviews the report in an easy-to-understand way.
President Obama wasted no time in advancing his radical agenda to ramp up the slaughter of millions of innocent children. During his first week in office, he lifted a ban called the “Global Gag Rule” or the “Mexico City Policy” that prevented federal funding for international organizations which provide or promote abortions. Under other laws, the money isn’t supposed to go toward funding the actual abortion, but it’s hard to say what kind of U.S. oversight there is for such internationally run groups. He signed the memorandum the day after the 36th anniversary of the over-reaching Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme court to legalize abortion, which resulted in over 50 million “legal” murders since 1973. Showing a total lack of respect for his opponents, Obama did this soon after thousands of pro-life activists gathered in Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life right down the street. Could he not at least wait until they’d made it home to throw their peaceful petitions back in their face?
This move particularly affects minorities since “family planning” or “population planning” organizations like Planned Parenthood are known to target minority populations. This is a hold-over from the pioneers of the eugenics movement, begun by people such as: Marie Stopes (Founder of the Eugenics Society), Charles Galton Darwin (yes, he’s related to that Darwin), Julian Huxley (a famous evolutionist) and Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood). All of these were members of the Eugenics Society, now known as the Galton Institute, which still has a number of pro-eugenics writings listed in their publications directory. This institute may be eligible for federal funds now that the ban is lifted.
Eugenics is a black spot in American history. It is the “self direction of human evolution,” as seen in this logo:
Eugenics is the practical application of Darwinism, which brought in the idea that some races were “lower” than others and that the “higher” races could be improved by eliminating the less-fit ones. In Germany, it led to the Holocaust. Here in America, it led to forced sterilization of thousands of minorities, mainly blacks. The eugenics movement survives today in the abortion clinics which are disproportionately in inner-city, minority-dominated areas and groups like the Galton Institute which helps fund “the practical delivery of family planning facilities, especially in developing countries.”
Just a few days before Obama’s order, this nation celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.’s civil rights achievements. His niece, Dr. Alveda King, is on record saying:
“What’s different today from the days of lynching is that the people wearing doctors’ coats are now far more successful at eliminating the Black population than the Klan ever dreamed.”
In other words, our first black president might have just done more to hurt blacks than the joint efforts of white racists throughout American history.
Some Christians out there will still say we ought to pray for him and end the bickering because he’s our President and we should follow him. To them I say: “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). To his credit, Obama has issued a few executive orders I expect to do some good, but these acts are totally overshadowed by the evil that continues in the American Holocaust.
I will pray for him. I will pray he repents of his evil deeds and ends the genocide of those nameless faces who could not scream for help.