Church Issues New World Order Politics Spiritual Warfare The Christian The Last Days

Indianapolis Comeback

At least one church has stood up to the IRS and refused to become entangled with the government through 501(c)(3) nonprofit restrictions on speech. After a great deal of struggle, the Indianapolis Baptist Temple is now stronger than ever before. (original article appeared the Baptist Tribune).

Indianapolis Comeback

Current Events Discernment Politics Separation The Christian The Last Days The World

To Whom We Pledge Our Allegiance

The socialist left clearly and unapologetically seeks government help and control when it comes to our economy, health care, and other such issues. We would be wise to also recognize that the “religious right” trusts in the government almost as much, yet for different reasons. As one example, liberals want the power of the state to protect them from poverty while conservatives seek state protection from invasion. Both of these views allow the government to usurp its proper authority as we surrender ever-increasing degrees of freedom while putting more and more faith in the hands of men in power and less in the hands of God. The end result of this will be all-out submission to a man in charge of a consolidated world government and a nearly complete rebellion against the Lord of Lords (Rev 13:4-8).

We are seeing this end result draw nearer each day. Not a single war we have engaged in since WWII has been constitutionally declared. Because of abortion, America now ranks second only to Mao Zedong’s reign in terms of how many innocents have been “legally” killed. Our President is openly advocating pulling the plug on the elderly when they are deemed unworthy for taxpayers to keep paying the bill (see it on video here ). Our schools are training grounds for atheism, immorality, and belief in myths parading themselves around as science. The daily news is saturated with signs showing our culture’s fast decline, especially if you’re watching mainstream media who are single-minded to such a degree that they often use the exact same catch phrases on every channel.

The responsibility for these problems lies not in those who advocated or voted for the leaders who implemented these policies and programs. It lies in the hands of Christians who have abdicated their responsibilities, allowing a multiplicity of new agencies to fill the void.

Christians cheered on efforts to engage in the Global War on Terror, while all too few were willing to engage in evangelism in that part of the world. Instead of building local orphanages in America for babies who might otherwise be aborted, churches erect state-of-the-art gymnasiums and put on rock concerts to attract the youth that managed to survive America’s Holocaust – all the while waiting around for a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade. Churches used to build neighborhood hospitals to care for those who couldn’t afford a doctor. Now we fight for dear life in opposing national health care. The first “public” schools were Church schools. Today, we can’t even manage to get prayer or the Ten Commandments back into the classroom, let alone teach them the evidence that supports creationism or other biblical history. The way to steer this ship back on track is to turn the opposite direction – to repent as a nation.

Shouldn’t we air-drop gospel tracts at least as much as we launch aerial assaults on terrorist training camps? Can’t we draw the scared pregnant woman to a place where she and her future child will be cared for before she walks into the clinic seeking a permanent solution to her temporary problems? Aren’t we able to care for the sick in our own community before Obama forces a national program of taxpayer-funded euthanasia and abortion? Won’t fathers teach their kids the wisdom of God instead of expecting the public schools to teach anything other than Darwinism and moral relativism? None of these actions will guarantee our salvation for the victims of militant Islam, unwed mothers, cancer patients, or the illiterate. What it will do is demonstrate that Christians care more about serving God than attacking the symptoms of apostasy.

When we petition a President or any king-like figure to correct such issues before praying to the King of Kings, to which one are we demonstrating allegiance? Do we get more “fired-up” about standing up for our rights at a Tea Party than we do about falling to our knees in prayer? As a nation and as individuals, we must recognize the tendency to make an idol of the government in ourselves before attacking liberals who act in accordance with their godless worldview.

Some may think this article is an unpatriotic attack on America. They would be wrong. I am simply encouraging you to trust God for your freedom, your liberty, your sustenance and salvation. Do not trust in men or a constitution to protect your freedom or your rights. Do not expect any institution of men to weave our nation’s moral fiber. The only true protection from evil will come when Satan is forever vanquished and Jesus, not the “Shining Star” of your favorite political party, takes his seat in a new kingdom (Matthew 19:28).

Current Events General Science Politics The First Days The Last Days The World

Only Jesus Can Save The Planet

Global Warming has a lot in common with Darwinism. Creatures, like global average temperatures, change over time. Zealous advocates match the skill of politicians when sidestepping any believable definition of how and why such changes take place. They call us to take action, to be a part of slowing down or reversing our impending doom from rising sea levels and growing deserts. We are told the problem is caused by humans; therefore, we have the power to change it if we work together to find a solution to this global problem.

Given our biblical command in Genesis 1:28 (also see Genesis 2:15) to take care of God’s creation, I’m all in favor of conservation efforts. But, many of today’s mainstream Christians have taken this command out of proportion and have bought into the hoax that we are a primary cause of our planet’s impending destruction. That would be true if we’re talking about God’s final judgment of sin (Revelation 20), but in the case of environmentalism sin has been redefined to include emitting anything classified as a greenhouse gas, including the air you exhale.

This really amounts to worshipping Gaia, better known today as “Mother Earth” or “Mother Nature.” It is this goddess we are said to be sinning against, not the God of Creation. To think we could have the power to fundamentally alter what he has made is to put ourselves in the place of God. True, original sin brought about the curse that forever altered the planet (Genesis 3:17-19), but this curse was God’s doing in response to that action. It had nothing to do with our implementation of fossil fuels as a primary source of energy.

With the widespread acceptance of the manmade global warming theory, there is a good chance that those reading this article are uninformed about which facts are fabricated and which claims are exaggerated. Since the most common claim is that carbon dioxide emissions are the number-one manmade contributor to climate change, I shall focus in that area for the limited scope of this article.

You may have seen or heard of charts that show a correlation between the rise of CO2 and the rise of global temperatures. What is usually not pointed out clearly on these charts is that CO2 rises afterthe temperature change. In order for it to have caused temperature increases, the rise in CO2 would have to come before the warming. For a little bit of perspective, you should know that at least 97% of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is not manmade. Even with all the increases in fossil fuel emissions, the levels of this “greenhouse gas” have only gone up a tiny fraction of a percent since we began measuring it. God’s creation is precious, but it simply isn’t fragile enough to be toppled by our puny industrial achievements.

So, what is the cause of the increase in average temperatures (if we can even believe the claim that it is still going up)? We can look to the sky for the answer. It turns out that Jupiter and Mars, along with several moons, show signs of warming as well. Considering that all these celestial bodies share the same primary heat source as we do, doesn’t it seem at least a little more reasonable to say that the sun may be the driving factor behind warming? Of course, this squashes the big dreams of mankind reducing temperatures by driving hybrids, building windmills, etc.

Let’s take care of what God has given us, but let’s also recognize that doing so does not mean we must build a world alliance to enforce regulations and tax emissions on everything from coal-fired power plants to the putrid emissions of a cow who had too much grass to eat. Let’s not get carried away into thinking we’re sinning against God when neo-pagans preach falsely about rising sea levels or lonesome polar bears. Only Jesus had the power to create this planet of ours (John 1:1), and only he has the right or the ability to save or destroy it.

For further reading, I highly recommend The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism.

Discernment Politics The Christian The World

Should a Christian Join the Military?

The Religious Right seems to overwhelmingly support the military, seeing their service as essential to keeping this a so-called free Christian nation. These assumptions are often incorrect, as this article shows from a biblical perspective.

Should a Christian Join the Military?

History Medicine Politics The World

Obama Makes Abortion a Top Priority During First Week

President Obama wasted no time in advancing his radical agenda to ramp up the slaughter of millions of innocent children. During his first week in office, he lifted a ban called the “Global Gag Rule” or the “Mexico City Policy” that prevented federal funding for international organizations which provide or promote abortions. Under other laws, the money isn’t supposed to go toward funding the actual abortion, but it’s hard to say what kind of U.S. oversight there is for such internationally run groups. He signed the memorandum the day after the 36th anniversary of the over-reaching Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme court to legalize abortion, which resulted in over 50 million “legal” murders since 1973. Showing a total lack of respect for his opponents, Obama did this soon after thousands of pro-life activists gathered in Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life right down the street. Could he not at least wait until they’d made it home to throw their peaceful petitions back in their face?

This move particularly affects minorities since “family planning” or “population planning” organizations like Planned Parenthood are known to target minority populations. This is a hold-over from the pioneers of the eugenics movement, begun by people such as: Marie Stopes (Founder of the Eugenics Society), Charles Galton Darwin (yes, he’s related to that Darwin), Julian Huxley (a famous evolutionist) and Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood). All of these were members of the Eugenics Society, now known as the Galton Institute, which still has a number of pro-eugenics writings listed in their publications directory. This institute may be eligible for federal funds now that the ban is lifted.

Eugenics is a black spot in American history. It is the “self direction of human evolution,” as seen in this logo:

Eugenics Logo

Eugenics is the practical application of Darwinism, which brought in the idea that some races were “lower” than others and that the “higher” races could be improved by eliminating the less-fit ones. In Germany, it led to the Holocaust. Here in America, it led to forced sterilization of thousands of minorities, mainly blacks. The eugenics movement survives today in the abortion clinics which are disproportionately in inner-city, minority-dominated areas and groups like the Galton Institute which helps fund “the practical delivery of family planning facilities, especially in developing countries.”

Just a few days before Obama’s order, this nation celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.’s civil rights achievements. His niece, Dr. Alveda King, is on record saying:

“What’s different today from the days of lynching is that the people wearing doctors’ coats are now far more successful at eliminating the Black population than the Klan ever dreamed.”

In other words, our first black president might have just done more to hurt blacks than the joint efforts of white racists throughout American history.

Some Christians out there will still say we ought to pray for him and end the bickering because he’s our President and we should follow him. To them I say: “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). To his credit, Obama has issued a few executive orders I expect to do some good, but these acts are totally overshadowed by the evil that continues in the American Holocaust.

I will pray for him. I will pray he repents of his evil deeds and ends the genocide of those nameless faces who could not scream for help.