MetaV Roadmap

MetaV Roadmap: Timeline

This is the fourth in a series of posts outlining the roadmap for MetaV, a database of people, places, passages, and periods of time found in the Bible.


The Bible is not just one book, it is a collection of 66 books.  The 40 different authors of those books often tell the same stories, though emphasizing different aspects.  A key way to piece together all the details of a story across two or more books is to arrange the passages chronologically.  MetaV currently tags verses with a year (from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge), but more detail would be needed to accurately sort chronologically.

Specific Dates, Different Calendars

We are far enough removed from these events that it is hard to trust specific dates offered by historians (such as James Ussher).  That said, adding this level of detail gives us a reference point to correctly sequence events programmatically.  It’s hard to reconcile exact dates because calendar systems have changed a great deal over time.  We can get close by adding up lifespans or correlating events with archaeological records.  Perhaps the clearest difference is that the Jewish prophetic calendar is based on a 30 day month for a year of 360 days.  This is an important thing to know when studying Daniel’s 70 weeks or even Revelation.  MetaV will eventually include not just our Gregorian Calendar but Jewish calendar dates as well.

Named Events

Specifically identifying not only dates but particular events (or pericopes, if you will) allows more possibilities for dynamic timeline creation.  At higher-level views, the event name (i.e. “resurrection”) may suffice.  These headings appear in most bibles but naming systems vary widely.  Once a naming system is chosen, this data will be included in MetaV.

Date of event or date written?

The Bible includes not only historical books but also poetic and prophetic works.  For those passages that are poems or prophecies, the dates listed indicate when that section was written.  This distinction isn’t necessarily clear, and in the case of prophecy the event spoken of may be a known date other than the date of writing, it could be a date in the future, or a combination of both.  This disambiguation will be added to MetaV in the future.

MetaV Roadmap

MetaV Roadmap: Places

Placemarks sized by number of mentions

This is the third in a series of posts outlining the roadmap for MetaV, a database of people, places, passages, and periods of time found in the Bible.

In addition to a concordance, the back of your Bible will likely include a set of maps.  Commonly you will find a map of Israel, Jerusalem, the Exodus, or Paul’s Missionary journeys.  The data in MetaV is intended to help programmers dynamically create maps based on any set of passages selected.  It comes from, which gives a latitude and longitude for every place mentioned in the Bible with a known location (or a well-educated guess).

Historical borders

The problem inherent in assigning every place a latitude and longitude is that it represents a country or region with a single place mark at that country’s capital or geographical center rather than drawing a border.  While it has become an increasingly simple matter to overlay modern borders on a map, it is a monumental challenge to do so with historical borders.

One obvious reason for that is that we may not have a detailed map of those places from each time period.  Another challenge is that instead of creating an overlay representing a single point in time, we must define borders for every period of that country’s history.  Just look at how much Israel’s borders change from one century to the next!  Fortunately, MetaV already includes a timeline which can be used to grab the right border overlay for that time period whenever someone manages to draw them.

Place Hierarchies

Cities are places unto themselves, but as borders shift they may be part of one empire in 400 B.C. and part of another empire in the first century A.D. What is needed, especially as an aid in (loosely) defining historical borders, is an explicit assignment of each landmark to a city, each city to a country, and each country to a region.  Scholars know a lot of this already, it just needs to be systematized and gathered together so we can more easily answer questions like: “Was this city I’m reading about part of Rome or Babylon at the time this story took place?”

Ambiguous references

Just as people can be discussed with pronouns (he, she, they, etc), places can be referred to as “here”, “there”, etc.  While it may be simple to understand where “here” is when reading the text, searches looking for “Jerusalem” may only find passages with that exact name.  A more robust search to find all references to that specific city must have these ambiguous references defined.

The Modern World

MetaV is not only about linking people, places, and periods of time to the passages that tell their story; it is also about helping people see how the Bible relates to our world today.  There are many resources which can give a wealth of data about places, including:religions, population, income, literacy rates, and government type.  Consider a study on prophecy where you’re exploring the places that various prophets mentioned in relation to the end times.  Wouldn’t it be helpful to know some things about how that country looks now when discerning where we may be on the prophetic timeline?  These data can be integrated programmatically through tools like the Wolfram|Alpha API since the latitude and longitude are already defined.

Other Improvements

Like the names of people, names of places usually have a meaning behind them.  J.B. Jackson’s Dictionary of Proper names will be a good place to start working up name meanings for places.

Discernment Evangelism False Religions Spiritual Warfare The Christian The World

Atheism vs. Hatetheism and How to Respond to Each

As atheists grow bolder in the absence of such boldness from christian leaders in the Western world, we have begun to find new terms to describe this group.  Typically, we call them the “New Atheists” – ones who do not simply lack belief in God, but actively assert that God does not exist and “evangelize” their worldview.  Now, I have found a better word proposed by Robin Schumacher, a blogger for the Christian Post.  He proposes the term “Hatetheist” to describe those who cannot help but espouse their hatred (not just disagreement) with theism, especially of the Christian variety.

Schumacher raises a number of points that resonate with me (and I suspect most who engage in any debates with atheists), such as:

…atheists keep Christians honest where our apologetics are concerned, and they are helpful in showcasing what the philosophy of naturalism espouses and where it logically leads.  Although we disagree on theological matters, I’ve found atheists to be respectful, intelligent, and understanding in many of our discussions. They have thought through their positions, present them in a well-organized manner, and are happy to consider contrary positions and opposing arguments to their stance.

In contrast, he says, “discussing theology with hatetheists is an exercise in futility.”  He lays out 8 points describing what sets the hatetheist apart from other atheists.  Below is my attempt to boil down his comparisons for simplicity.

Atheist Hatetheist
Respectful Name-caller
Uses names “God”, “Jesus” “Invisible sky fairy”, “Jewish zombie”
Recognizes intellectual equality Believe they have superior intellect
Considers and addresses arguments Uses red herrings, dodges questions
Recognizes limits of science Adheres to scientism
Universally critiques all gods Focuses on God of Christianity
Promotes freedom of religion Promotes freedom from religion
Does not see Christianity as a threat Fights against threat of Christianity

These distinctions are important because they can help discern how best to respond or approach an unbeliever.  While it may be a good idea to continually engage with an atheist for evangelism or other discussion, Schumacher warns against such continued interaction with hatetheists.  He gives a number of scriptural examples for this conclusion, which is summed up with a quote from Richard Weaver’s book, Ideas Have Consequences:

“Nothing good can come if the will is wrong. And to give evidence to him who loves not the truth is to give him more plentiful material for misinterpretation.”

If you often engage with atheists online, I would strongly recommend reading his entire post.  Do you agree that we should sometimes disengage with an unbeliever, or is it always advisable to keep the dialogue going?

MetaV Roadmap

MetaV Roadmap: Concordance

This is the second in a series of posts outlining the roadmap for MetaV.  Previously I laid out changes planned for tables involving people.  This article will discuss changes to concordance related data.


Few things are more commonplace in the back of study Bibles than a concordance.  MetaV contains Strong’s concordance, which is the most widely used, compiled by David Troidl as a contribution to the Open Scriptures project.  It can be hard to imagine improvements on such a “staple”, but allow me to offer a few ideas.

Definitions and word origins

First, the definitions in MetaV include some details about word origins and both the long and short definitions given by Dr. James Strong.  By splitting these three elements into their own fields, some advanced tools can be made.  Take, for instance, “adynatos” (G102).  It comes from G102 which comes from G1 which is of Hebrew origin.  I can think of many visualizations or programmatic comparisons to find similar words throughout the Bible or simply understand the meaning of that word more fully.

Proper Names

Strong’s Concordance includes many proper names of places and people.  In order to more deeply integrate the distinct parts of MetaV, these proper names could be linked to the place ID or person ID in those tables.  I have found these activities helpful in finding gaps, inconsistencies, and other potential errors in corresponding data sets.

Other Improvements

A minor improvement can be made in the near future to remove accent marks from transliterations for better readability.

That’s all for now.  Keep an eye out here to learn how we can improve upon data describing places and periods of time, or find out about the applications being developed to explore this data.

MetaV Roadmap

MetaV Roadmap: People

This is the first in a series of posts outlining the roadmap for MetaV, a database of people, places, passages, and periods of time found in the Bible. Much work has gone into developing it, but there is much work left to do.  There are gaps to be filled in, new data to add, and (most importantly) applications to be developed which aid in data exploration. This roadmap provides a thorough understanding of the improvements I currently envision.  It does not include any timelines for completion of these ideas.


When we study the Bible and come across a person, we’d like to know a few basic things about that individual which provide some background for understanding his life and how his experiences relate to the story we’re reading.  MetaV provides that context with family relationships, some basic biographical information, and explicit identification of the person named.  As an example of the latter, consider that there are 26 unique individuals in the Bible named Zechariah.  MetaV makes it clear whether that passage is talking about the well-known prophet or one of the other 25.  Or, the opposite problem may occur in which one person goes by more than one name such as Paul (originally Saul) or God himself who goes by many names.

Unambiguous, Thorough Searching

To that end, some work remains in identifying names which are not always easy to process programmatically.  These may include possessive forms (like “Aaron’s”) or in many cases where the name of a person is also used to describe a place (like Israel).  Even more ambiguous are personal pronouns (him, hers, we, they, ours).  We know they describe a person and can usually identify that person through normal exegesis.  It is time we recorded that knowledge in order to build upon it.

By including that level of detail in MetaV, we will be able to find verses which refer to a group of people but never mention them by name.  A good example would be Jesus’ disciples.  Any place which references the “disciples”, “apostles”, “the twelve”, etc. would be a reference to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc. even though they are not discussed by name.  Unless and until this is defined at word-level detail many of these verses would not appear in search results for “Matthew” (or another disciple for this example) meaning the search would not return some pertinent references.

Biographical Details

Other things we’d like to know about people in a “quick reference” context window which are not yet defined in MetaV are: official title, occupation, name meanings, or even a brief summary of the person’s life.  We would also like to know what books of the Bible that person may have written.  Again in the case of Zechariah: are you reading about the person who wrote the book of Zechariah, or a different person with the same name?  We also know the birth and death places for some people.  Future revisions to MetaV will link these places to the “Places” table for more context.


The relationships defined in MetaV today are limited to family relationships.  But, we interact with others outside our family in the context of work, school, and play.  People of the Bible are no different.  A set of data defining these relationships for people in the New Testament already exists as part of the Semantic Bible project.  This data can be integrated into MetaV and then expanded upon to include Old Testament figures.

People also form groups.  The disciples are a group.  The Israelites are a group.  Much like today’s social networks which readily find a person’s group membership, MetaV currently has identified members of the 12 tribes of Israel and the people listed in Jesus’ genealogy.  Clearly many more groups must be defined, but this is a good start.


The Bible is God’s communication to man.  Within that, we see God talking to prophets, people talking to each other, and writers speaking to readers.  Wouldn’t it be nice to clearly identify who is the sender of a message and who is the intended recipient?  Well, the folks at Crossway have tackled the first part of that using Mechanical Turk.  They produced a dataset identifying all the speakers of the Bible and, thankfully, released it publicly.  Once it is “translated” to work with MetaV, I can begin the process to show recipients of what is being spoken  (or written).

That’s all for now.  Keep an eye out here to learn how we can improve upon data describing places and periods of time, or find out about the applications being developed to explore this data.

MetaV Version History

MetaV 2.1.2 Update

This update is primarily for the tables defining People and their relationships.  I have made the following changes for this version:

  • Added siblings where only one parent is known (over 4,000 new records)
  • Split Daughters of Lot into “older” and “younger” to clarify parent-child relationships.
  • Corrected errors showing a person’s in-laws as their spouse.
  • Added Jesus in “Genealogy of Jesus” group.

These files are now available on the downloads page and on GitHub.