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Do Most Scientists Reject God?

“93% of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) are atheists,” boasts the social media proselytizer who is now all but certain he has presented inarguable evidence that rational, thinking people are drawn away from theism. It comes from a survey conducted in 1996 and published in the journal Nature. I have seen this statistic often enough that I decided to dig into it a bit further. It is now clearer than ever that this survey is an example of selection bias and further supports the assertion that the NAS is intolerant.

Right from the start, the 93% number is a little misleading. 72% disbelieve in God while 23% express doubt or agnosticism. Atheists routinely lump in agnostics in figures like this if it is to their advantage, but agnostics often describe themselves that way to separate their views from their understanding of atheism. But, this may be little more than semantics.

What if we looked at a different group of scientists? When surveyed in 2009, a slight majority (51%) or respondents from the American Association for the Advancement of Science expressed belief in God (or a “higher power”) and 41% indicated disbelief. It turns out this survey matches rather closely with a survey done 100 years ago, even showing a slight increase in theism among the scientists polled.

Still a different group, university professors, end up somewhere in the middle of these figures. A 2010 survey found 34% were atheists, 30% agnostic, and 27% expressed some level of belief in God.

So far it’s clear that while scientists are far more likely than the general population to be atheist, the 93% figure is simply not an accurate representation of scientists as a whole. Now, let’s extend the data even further.

In academia, the consequences for your conclusion being wrong is a retraction from an academic journal, a scathing peer review, or wider public scrutiny. In other environments, the cost of being wrong are people’s very lives. Certainly few people think that doctors work with anything other than an evidence-based evaluation and decision-making process. If they were to do otherwise, they face severe civil or criminal penalties while their patient suffers physically to varying degrees. Physicians must rely on science when it really counts.

Are these rational-minded professionals also inclined to be atheists? Not quite. As of 2005, 76% expressed belief in God.  While this is still lower than the general population, it turns out that doctors are actually more likely to attend religious services – 90% of them vs. only 81% of Americans as a whole. If we were to accept that the majority opinion of an evidence-based profession proves that thinking people should accept their view, we may hold this up as a persuasive argument for converting to theism. I do not recommend that approach for the reasons explained throughout this article.

What might explain these differences in beliefs across a range of scientists? As an engineer who also relies heavily on facts to form conclusions, I prefer not to speculate too far without doing more extensive research. Allow me to offer two possible causes to consider: indoctrination and culture. American universities are now breeding grounds for anti-religious minds. Over time our culture has trended the same direction, and the sub-culture in academic circles is likely to influence the distribution of religious beliefs in that group.

In earlier times, higher institutes of learning we’re built by Christians and Western society was far more deeply committed to biblical truth. Indeed, the greatest scientific minds who pioneered most of the major branches of science were theists. This fact alone indicates that theistic belief is no detriment to the advancement of scientific inquiry, if not the very basis for science itself.

When we consider the full range of data and look at it objectively, we find every good reason to reject the “majority of scientists are atheists” argument so often presented. The wide disparity among different groups of scientists also shows that they are human like everyone else, subject to the same influences and pressures that shape our ideas about the world. This is why we must always look to a higher standard than ourselves. Let us trust instead in the words of an all-knowing being, not in the wisdom of men with limited knowledge or understanding (1 Cor 2:5).

11 replies on “Do Most Scientists Reject God?”

The response rate to the 1996 survey of NAS scientists was only approximately 50%. Taken togeether with Elaine Howard Ecklund’s finding that religious/theistic scientists were likely to keep quiet about their beliefs for fear of professional censure, one wonders whether the low response rate, and particularly the low rate of responses indicating belief in God, stems partially, or even primarily from the fact that non-religious scientists responded in overwhelmingly greater numberes than religious scientists.

You realize that polls are anonymized for a reason and that any scientist would know this. 50% is a very good representation of a group the size of the NAS.

Apples to oranges, dude. Apples to oranges. I don’t care about what other University professors believe–which would lump the inane with the brilliant. I really only care what the smartest scientists believe in.

Apples to oranges, dude. Apples to oranges. I don’t care about what other University professors believe–which would lump the inane with the brilliant. I really only care what the smartest scientists believe in.

“slight increase in theism over the past 100 years”

do u not recognize death when it is staring at your cult?

one day they are screaming about the rise of secularism, the next day its all denial.

I think the number of people disbelieving GOD, is due to how GOD is define to them. For example, of one said to me GOD is like the king in which you have to hail him, pray to him, without which he will torture or ounish you. Then I will not believe in GOD. Or if one said, GOD live i heaven and you have to worship him, if not he will send you to hell. I will also not believe that GOD.

but when, like many scientist realise, GOD is the entity, which is behind the wonder of the endless creation, GOD is One who create this universe, maintain its existence and also that who destroy it. The entity have such power is GOD. then I will accept GOD does exist. And we see proof of his existence evryday in everything happening in the universe. Even those who deny GOD have to admit, there is something they dont know who is the controller of the universe. GOD is there, but you dont know him yet. And you try to discover him, through science, research experiment. But he is there. When you find him, you may name him as you please.

Well, my wife is a scientist and I’m surrounded by them. Regular scientist, not geniuses from the Academy of Science. Most them are non-believers (whatever atheist or agnostics), but what I found really interesting is how much it varies depending on the country of origin. Here in London you have people, and scientists :), from almost every where. Among our SC friends that come from UK or equivalent highly developed countries (Germany, Belgium, France…) the non-believers group is as hight as almost 100%, in contrast, among those that come from southern Europe, Latin America and Middle East, about 10%-15% do believe in god.

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