MetaV Personal stories The Christian Vision

Using technology to present biblical truth

I graduated from the US Air Force Academy with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.  Since then, I have held several positions in the military, business world, and in Christian ministry.  In each role, I have found ways to work with information (databases in particular) to help myself and others sort out what that information really tells us about what’s going on.

I have recently taken on a new role which has exposed me to more advanced methods behind what’s referred to as Business Intelligence.  I quickly realized that these techniques can be applied to the Bible to “zoom out” and discover patterns and relationships that you can’t find with traditional study methods or tools.  I will highlight others who have done work to this end in hopes of bringing their results together and develop them into an integrated whole.

I have previously laid out my vision for enabling the average person to find reliable information on the web as easily as many incredible tools that are available today free of charge. is a work in progress that will be one platform for applying these technologies to scripture and related information in commentaries, maps, media – you name it.  To be perfectly clear: my primary goal is to present the Bible in a clear, understandable, and intelligent way so that more people can come to know its truth, power, and salvation.

To get an idea of the basics, consider how you might do online research for a new car or even decide what movie to go see this weekend.  You can narrow it down by type, sort it by popularity and price (or what time a movie is showing), and see place marks on a map where that movie will be playing or where that car is sold.  You are presented with media telling you more about it in the form of videos or interactive content.  A common element is that the information is tied together in meaningful ways that help a computer sort through the information to find what the user is looking for.

I think it is possible to do the same types of things with Bible study software and make it available for free on the web instead of it costing hundreds or thousands of dollars.  This blog will more fully explain specific ideas for creating new tools and implementing existing ones in ways that are easy enough to understand by a non-technically minded person while also providing enough detail for the up-and-coming programmer or designer to contribute their skills and time.  I hope you find it informative and exciting to imagine the possibilities!

Evangelism The Christian The Father The Holy Spirit The Savior Tools

Ark of the Covenant [Interactive]

Even though the Ark of the Covenant is long lost, you can still explore it virtually. In this study tool you can find info about the ark, its history, symbolism, and contents.

Evangelism Geography History The Christian The First Days The World Tools

Paul’s Life and Journeys [Interactive]

View Paul’s Life and Journeys in a larger map

While you explore the map above, below are some observations to take note of.

  • His friend Barnabus followed him everywhere until their dispute about John-Mark( Acts 14:26-28, 15:36-41). Barnabus (along with others) is later rebuked by Paul for withdrawing himself from Gentile converts ( Galatians 2:11-20).
  • He never seems to travel alone, meaning that his missionary journeys weren’t necessarily just Paul’s journeys as we normally refer to them.
  • Each of his three missionary journeys lasted no more than three years. We tend to remember him as the simply a missionary when in fact only 9 years of his roughly 65 year life span were spent on mission trips. The rest of his life was spent either as a Pharisee or as a Christian preaching in a small handful of cities.
  • He didn’t go on first trip untill he was around 40 years old.
  • The routes he took on mission trips brought him back to some of the same places multiple times. Paul was intentional about training the new converts by keeping in contact through letters and doing follow-up visits.
  • It’s easy to assume he spent a lot of time in the places that are the subject of his epistles. In fact, he only spent a relatively short period of time in Galatia, Ephesus, Phillipi, Collosae, and Thessalonica.
  • Paul visited both Tyre and Sidon on separate occasions. These once-great cities had a prominent place in Old Testament prophecy, which predicted they would fall. They were both destroyed, and little is mentioned of them in the New Testament other than as a warning to others.

If the Lord has shown you something interesting that’s not in this list, we’d love for you to tell us about it!

Source info: (not affiliated with this website)

Geography History The First Days The World

The History of the Temple Mount

If you have ever wondered why the temple mount in Jerusalem is such a big deal or are simply curious about its history, look no further than this exhaustive timeline of events and people surrounding this holy place.

The History of the Temple Mount | Way of Life Literature.

Medicine The World

Vaccines made with fetal cells causing autism?

New research by the EPA seems to suggest a link between vaccines that contain aborted fetal tissue and sharp rises in autism rates. Jill Stanek reviews the report in an easy-to-understand way.

Vaccines made with fetal cells causing autism?.

Alleged Errors Preservation The Bible Translation

3 Missing Words That Made Jesus a Sinner

Three important words have been removed from most popular Bibles that make our Lord Jesus look like He sinned – twice!

Teachings The Father The Holy Spirit The Savior Theology

How God Makes Himself Known

Chances are that you or someone you know has asked the question: “Why hasn’t God revealed himself to me personally?” Another variation is: “If God is real, why won’t he just come down from Heaven and remove all doubts about his existence?” The answer may surprise you because the premise of the question is false. You see, God actually has revealed himself to the world and to you personally. There are several ways he has done this and reasons you may not have recognized the revelation for what it was.

The first and most obvious way that God shows himself is through the world around us – his creation. I doubt anyone has ever put it better than Paul in his letter to the Romans: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).” Anyone who is open-minded toward the possibility of God’s existence cannot help but conclude that he’s there and he cares about every detail of our world and our lives. Much more can be said about this and I would encourage anyone to browse through the “First Days” links on our site to find websites focusing on the topic of creation.

The things we can discover about God through studying his universe fall under what we call general revelation. The more specific way God reveals himself is known as special revelation. This involves direct, detailed communication from God either in personal appearances on earth or through inspired writings collected in the Holy Bible. God has shown up in various forms throughout history:

The above list is just a brief summary of several times God has chosen to reveal himself to us visibly. One more such appearance to “prove” his existence is not only unnecessary, but it would not be likely to produce any fundamentally different result from the reaction given when Jesus Christ was here on earth. Though he showed himself to be God through many infallible proofs (Acts 1:3), the religious leaders of his time ordered his gruesome torture and death and then persecuted those who chose to believe on him (Acts 7:59Acts 9:4). For them and many others like them, even a man raised from the dead is not persuasive enough (Luke 16:31).

There are a few reasons for this attitude which we can learn from scriptures inspired by none other than the God that so many are unwilling to accept. The first comes from the latter half of what Paul said in Romans 1:21: “but [they] became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” In fact, Romans 1:21-32 reveals profound truths about our hearts and minds becoming darker and darker as we choose more and more to look upon ourselves and the world instead of God. This is the crux of the matter: God has not chosen to keep himself hidden; we have chosen to hide our own eyes.

More insight can be found in the account of the first people on earth, Adam and Eve. When they first disobeyed God, they were ashamed and attempted to cover themselves up with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7). Deep down, we perceive that God is the ultimate judge and we fear the consequence of sin – the consequence of death. People find every excuse to deny this truth in order to escape living with knowledge that God will someday execute his wrath upon the earth.

There may be many other reasons you cannot see God for who he truly is. I want to share with you today that it is never too late and there is profound hope in God’s grace and mercy. The punishment that we deserve has been paid by Jesus’ death on the cross. You need only to repent of your sins and accept this free gift from him. Once you have, the Holy Spirit will begin a work in your life to help you grow and to know God more personally and fully. He is truly a God who wants to be known by us. He is right there in front of us every day in his creation and in his word. Can you see him? Are you at least willing to open your eyes?

Authority The Bible The Father The Holy Spirit The Savior Theology

How Do You Prove God Exists?

In this first of a 4-part series, Eric Hovind interviews a presuppositional apologist about a most unique tool to avoid the meaningless arguing, and cut to the heart of the matter. Must Christians argue about God and His creation without using the Bible? No! The Bible is our sword, and we must not lay it down. The unbeliever certainly won’t lay his weapon down.

Authority Preservation The Bible Translation

Why Your Bible Version Matters

Christian denominations generally differentiate themselves according to their varying ways of interpreting the Bible. Now we are faced with a very different argument over whether the words themselves belong as part of the canon of scripture. Translation committees toil over which words may have been in the “originals” and which they believe were added later. Today’s theological conservative would proclaim that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God, but we must face the question of which “Bible” actually meets this qualification. Is it only the originals that qualify, or does this perfect Bible still exist today?

The typical statement defining inerrancy proclaims that God inspired the writers of the original documents and that these manuscripts are infallible – perfect in every way. But the defense usually stops there. Few today will stand up for any translation or copy. What we must remember is that skeptics are attacking the validity of the Bible we read and study today, not writings in a forgotten language penned centuries ago. It is the one we have, not the one we had that must be preached as if it were spoken directly from our Creator. We can do so while standing on God’s promise in Psalm 12:7: “Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” (emphasis mine)

What use is it for Christians to trust in a manuscript that perished not long after the writers themselves? No one can visit a museum and gaze upon these original documents to study them, learn from them, teach from them. The only thing we have are copies, translations, and indeed revisions of the words God first spoke through holy men in days past. In effect, by holding only to inerrancy in the originals and not to any available translation or copy, Christians unwittingly bend to the skeptic’s claim that no Bible currently exists that is totally error-free.

This would seem to be a minor point to those who believe there are no major differences among most popular English Bible versions or that newer translations have remained true to the first editions. Naturally, if each translation is simply a more readable or understandable presentation of the very same words, then we may be straining at gnats. Let me assure you that aside from the doctrine of inerrancy, there are several other teachings which are affected by divergent wording of modern Bibles.

Before there were such disagreements over the content of the originals, the English-Speaking world knew only one Bible: the Authorized Version of 1611 (AV 1611), also called the King James Version (KJV). Sure, there were other English versions available, but none came anywhere close to the wide distribution of the KJV and all used the same trusted manuscripts to derive their work. It was only later with the advent of of textual criticism that these sources began to fall into disfavor by scholars. They now prefer to use older, fragmented, incomplete manuscripts to “correct” the Textus Receptus (TR) used by Christian translators during the Reformation period. As this article shows, manuscripts not associated with the TR are extremely untrustworthy. Each new translation which deviates from the TR based on wording in these older copies can more correctly be called a revisionof God’s pure, holy words. The result is a watering-down or confusion of doctrines such as believer’s baptism, the Holy Trinity, and aspects of spiritual warfare.

Acts 8:37 is the clearest scriptural passage teaching that baptism is for those who believe the Gospel, not for those who have never heard it, such as infants. Philip preached about Jesus by explaining prophecies from Isaiah to a eunuch. The eunuch then asks “what doth hinder me to be baptized?” Most Bible versions then skip to his baptism. The King James Bible answers his question: “And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” Philip said if you believe Jesus is the Son of God, you may be baptized. Logically this also means that without this profession, Phillip would not have baptized him. If your Bible skips from Acts 8:36 straight to Acts 8:38, you would come away with this question unanswered. You may find yourself confused.

Without a KJV, you would also miss this definitive statement on the trinity: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” You could find other evidence of the triune Godhead, but none have the clarity of 1 John 5:7. This stands in wonderful parallel with the next verse explaining the witnesses of God in the earth.

If you are seeking to learn about casting out demons, where would you go in the Bible? Naturally, there are many passages which would encourage you to pray. In most cases this is the best anyone can do. Yet in some cases it would require not only prayer but fasting as well. In Matthew 17 we see the story of a child who was “lunatick.” The disciples, who already had some experience casting out demons, were unsuccessful in doing so with this boy. Jesus gives two reasons: their unbelief (Matt 17:20) and because this kind of demon must be cast out through prayer and fasting (Matt 17:21). Yet the latter explanation is relegated to the footnotes or else vanquished altogether from today’s bible revisions.

While all these omissions (plus many more listed here and here) do not constitute a complete removal of the doctrines I’ve discussed, they do reduce the clarity that children of God so desperately seek. It should be no surprise when we discover to increasing degrees the lack of conviction among our leaders. Let us stand with boldness on the living, powerful, sharp-edged words given by God Almighty. The Bible is alive today in the most commonly spoken language of our time. It is the King James Bible. Open it up and let it come alive in your heart as it has for me.

Preservation The Bible The Savior Traditions Translation

Easter or Passover?

Many claim that the King James Bible mistranslated Acts 12:4 as “Easter” when it should be “passover.” A full examination reveals that the former is the only correct rendering of the word “pesach” (or “pascha”).

Easter or Passover?.

Church Issues New World Order Politics Spiritual Warfare The Christian The Last Days

Indianapolis Comeback

At least one church has stood up to the IRS and refused to become entangled with the government through 501(c)(3) nonprofit restrictions on speech. After a great deal of struggle, the Indianapolis Baptist Temple is now stronger than ever before. (original article appeared the Baptist Tribune).

Indianapolis Comeback

Analysis Anthropology Inspiration The Bible The First Days

Meanings Of The Names In Genesis 5

Long genealogies in the Bible are far from boring or unnecessary. In many cases, they serve to authenticate the inspiration and authority of the text. Find out the meaning behind the names in Genesis 5 and how this points to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Questions Answered By Chuck Missler Meanings Of The Names In Genesis 5 – Chuck Missler – Koinonia House.

Alleged Errors Prayer The Bible The Savior

Does God answer the prayers of unbelievers?

Scripture clearly indicates that God does not listen to or answer every prayer. In fact, Scripture gives at least fifteen reasons for unanswered prayer.

Does God answer the prayers of unbelievers?.

Evangelism Salvation The Christian

The Good Test

Many people think they will go to Heaven because they are a good person. Take this test to find out if you’re good enough by God’s standards and discover the provision he has made for sinners.

Current Events Discernment Politics Separation The Christian The Last Days The World

To Whom We Pledge Our Allegiance

The socialist left clearly and unapologetically seeks government help and control when it comes to our economy, health care, and other such issues. We would be wise to also recognize that the “religious right” trusts in the government almost as much, yet for different reasons. As one example, liberals want the power of the state to protect them from poverty while conservatives seek state protection from invasion. Both of these views allow the government to usurp its proper authority as we surrender ever-increasing degrees of freedom while putting more and more faith in the hands of men in power and less in the hands of God. The end result of this will be all-out submission to a man in charge of a consolidated world government and a nearly complete rebellion against the Lord of Lords (Rev 13:4-8).

We are seeing this end result draw nearer each day. Not a single war we have engaged in since WWII has been constitutionally declared. Because of abortion, America now ranks second only to Mao Zedong’s reign in terms of how many innocents have been “legally” killed. Our President is openly advocating pulling the plug on the elderly when they are deemed unworthy for taxpayers to keep paying the bill (see it on video here ). Our schools are training grounds for atheism, immorality, and belief in myths parading themselves around as science. The daily news is saturated with signs showing our culture’s fast decline, especially if you’re watching mainstream media who are single-minded to such a degree that they often use the exact same catch phrases on every channel.

The responsibility for these problems lies not in those who advocated or voted for the leaders who implemented these policies and programs. It lies in the hands of Christians who have abdicated their responsibilities, allowing a multiplicity of new agencies to fill the void.

Christians cheered on efforts to engage in the Global War on Terror, while all too few were willing to engage in evangelism in that part of the world. Instead of building local orphanages in America for babies who might otherwise be aborted, churches erect state-of-the-art gymnasiums and put on rock concerts to attract the youth that managed to survive America’s Holocaust – all the while waiting around for a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade. Churches used to build neighborhood hospitals to care for those who couldn’t afford a doctor. Now we fight for dear life in opposing national health care. The first “public” schools were Church schools. Today, we can’t even manage to get prayer or the Ten Commandments back into the classroom, let alone teach them the evidence that supports creationism or other biblical history. The way to steer this ship back on track is to turn the opposite direction – to repent as a nation.

Shouldn’t we air-drop gospel tracts at least as much as we launch aerial assaults on terrorist training camps? Can’t we draw the scared pregnant woman to a place where she and her future child will be cared for before she walks into the clinic seeking a permanent solution to her temporary problems? Aren’t we able to care for the sick in our own community before Obama forces a national program of taxpayer-funded euthanasia and abortion? Won’t fathers teach their kids the wisdom of God instead of expecting the public schools to teach anything other than Darwinism and moral relativism? None of these actions will guarantee our salvation for the victims of militant Islam, unwed mothers, cancer patients, or the illiterate. What it will do is demonstrate that Christians care more about serving God than attacking the symptoms of apostasy.

When we petition a President or any king-like figure to correct such issues before praying to the King of Kings, to which one are we demonstrating allegiance? Do we get more “fired-up” about standing up for our rights at a Tea Party than we do about falling to our knees in prayer? As a nation and as individuals, we must recognize the tendency to make an idol of the government in ourselves before attacking liberals who act in accordance with their godless worldview.

Some may think this article is an unpatriotic attack on America. They would be wrong. I am simply encouraging you to trust God for your freedom, your liberty, your sustenance and salvation. Do not trust in men or a constitution to protect your freedom or your rights. Do not expect any institution of men to weave our nation’s moral fiber. The only true protection from evil will come when Satan is forever vanquished and Jesus, not the “Shining Star” of your favorite political party, takes his seat in a new kingdom (Matthew 19:28).